Monday, 24 February 2014

Hoyland Nether, St Peters Church, Memorial Panels

WW1 Memorial panels on either side of the front of the church (photos taken 1 Feb 2015)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photographs by BarnsleyHistorian

Inscription beneath each set of three panels of names:
To the Glory of God and the Honoured Memory of the Men from this parish who gave their Lives in the Great War 1914-1918

Adams to Crane (click to enlarge)
The panels have recently been cleaned, they were previously much darker in colour and the size of the lettering is quite small.  As a consequence capturing the names required individual photos of each panel and the contrast between the pale wood and the gold paint was not very great.  Here is one example.

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.


Timothy Adams,
John Andrew,
William Andrew,
Thomas R Ayrton,
Jesse Bailey,
Arthur G Barker,
Robert L Beaumont,
George Birch,
John W Caunt,
Albert E Chambers,
Claud Chambers,
J H Fisher Clarke,
Frank Cooper,
Joseph W Cooper,
Albert Crane,
Ernest Darwin,
Thomas A Dean,
Percival Dodds,
Arthur Donson,
John H Dransfield,
Albert A Ellis,
Thomas E Evans, (Thomas Edward Evans)
Ben Fellowes,
Leonard Foster,
Harold L Fox,
John Goldthorpe,
John W Gothard,  (John Willie Gothard)
William Grayson,
Rowland Harris,
William Hinton,
Irving Illingworth,
Colin B Jackson,
Tom Jackson,
Arthur Jones,
Ernest Keddy,
Aaron Kenworthy,
John W Lang,
Thomas Lang,
Albert Littlewood,
Frank Lockwood,
Charles Lockwood,
Herbert Lockwood,
Charlie Mallinson,
William Marshall,
Wilfred Marsden,
Robert Mill,
Edward Mckay,
Ormande Merry,
Walter Mirfin,
Thomas Moore,
Fred Moss,
William Noble,
Leonard Noble,
John Norris,
George Norton,
Friend Nuttall,
Harry Pearson,
William Pepper,
Harold Pye,
Willie Parkin,
Fred Rawes,
David Raynor,
Thomas Regan,
John Ridge,
John W Robinson,
Fred Rose,
Charles W Rowbottom,
James E Scanlon,
Harry Scanlon,
Willie Shaw,
Fred Sharpe,
Robert Siddall,
Charles E Stancey,
Henry Stewart,
Richard Straw,
Miah Thomas,
John C Thompson,
John W Waddington,
Frank Wainwright,
Verner Wainwright,
Alan Walton,
Bernard Wilkinson,
Harold Willis,
Ernest Wilson,
John Wilson,
John W Wing,
Leonard Wright.



Anonymous said...

I have some photos of Timothy Adams grave in York cemetery in Haspres and a photograph of him. Please could they be added here. Thankyou

BarnsleyHistorian said...

Re Timothy Adams:
This website has a sister site called 'Barnsley Soldiers Remembered' where stories and pictures can be published and linked back to a name on a memorial page. Contact for information.