Friday, 21 February 2014

Darfield, Middlewood Shrine, A635 Doncaster Road, Darfield

Middlewood Shrine Darfield (photo taken 16 Feb 2014)


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Lives of the First World War listing

Photographed by Nigel Croft.

Transcribed by BarnsleyHistorian

This memorial was initially erected as a War Shrine by the local landowner C Howard Taylor of Middlewood Hall, Darfield in 1917 (from the Darfield Parish Magazine, thanks to KV).  We know that some remedial work was carried out to the base and woodwork in the 1980s (according to the War Memorials Archive) ... but the ordering of the names suggests that the stonework is not the original 1917 installation. 

A newspaper cutting from the Swinton & Mexborough Times (from Barnsley Archives) in 1917 tells us that the original design included a 'representation of our Saviour on the Cross' which is no longer included in the present memorial. 

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Darfield Parish Magazine August 1917 (thanks to KV)

2nd Lieut E F H Taylor,
2nd Lieut A R Swift,
Cpl C Heckingbottom,
Lc Cpl P Bly,
Lc Cpl W Manning,
Pte L Ashurst,
Pte S Boyce,
Pte A J Car,
Pte J W Debney,
Pte W Foster,
Pte O Goldthorpe,
Pte G Hoburn,
Pte A J Howe,
Pte H Lazenby,
Pte F J Machon,
Swinton & Mexborough Times 4 August 1917
(thanks to Barnsley Archives)

Pte M J Mellor,
Pte E Needham,
Pte J Shannon,
Pte G H Woodyatt,
Pte W Boothman,
Pte Sidney Hind,
Lc Cpl A J Prendergast,
Lc Cpl T Parrington,
Lc Cpl A Dibbs,
Lc Cpl T Murphy,
Sergy T R Phillips,
Cpl I Fisher,
Rifleman F Lodge,
Rifleman W Joblin,
Sapr W McMannas,
Ist Stkr H Venables,
Gunr J Smith,
Pte W Fisher,
Pte R Fisher,
Pte E Willmott,
Pte C Willmott,
Pte J E Holdsworth,
Pte C Francis,
Pte J Ford,
Pte A Dobbins,
Pte C H Davis,
Pte J Coulthard,
Pte R C Casson,
Pte C T Cottam,
Pte A Chapman,

2nd Lieut C M C Sorby,
Sergt I Beevers,
Pty Ofcr J Brewster,
Lc Cpl F Bolton,
Lc Cpl H G Lloyd,
Lc Cpl W Taylor,
Pte H Burton,
Pte C Cottam,
Pte G Fisher,
Pte J Fowler,
Pte S Gomersall,
Pte H Holmes,
Pte G M Ketner,
Pte A Morton,
Pte J Smith,
Pte G Askin,
Pte W H Atterbury,
Pte J Beardsley,
Pte W R Bowen,
Pte C F Carr,
Pte T W Conway,
Pte W Ennis,
Pte F Hopkinson,
Pte W Hurst,
Pte C H Knighton,
Pte J W Marrow,
Pte A Marsh,
Pte F Nicholson,
Pte F Sheppard,
Pte T Sheppard,
Pte J Westwood,
Pte T Westwood,
Pte J Ashwood,
Pte F Moss,
Pte W H Moss,
Pte C F Harworth,
Pte S Ogley,
Pte T Pearce,
Pte F Roper,
Pte J Wigley,
Pte N F Wright,
Pte F Mullins,
Pte F Shaw,
Pte J Jones,
Lc Cpl W Jones.


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