Thursday, 9 October 2014

Barnsley Farrar Street United Reformed Church Memorial Plaque

WW1 memorial in Farrar Street Church, Barnsley (photo taken 8 October 2014)

War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing

Lives of the First World War Community

Transcribed and photographed by Pete Schofield

Trinity United Reformed Church was formed in 1972 when the Regent Street Congregational Church joined with Farrar Street Congregational Church and the former Sheffield Road congregation. The building was opened in 1898.


 They Stood between us and despair
They bore, and gave us strength to bear.

To the Glory of God
and the
Sacred Memory
of the members of this
Church and Sunday School
who gave their lives in the
Great War 1914 - 1918
to maintain
the Sacred Ideals of
Christian Civilisation.

There are no individual names on this memorial however on the outside of the building there are a series of inscribed stones, at least two of which are to men who fell in the war. Click on the names below to see photos of the inscribed stones and find more information about these men.

Harold Wright
Harry Tock

Evidence has been found in Church Minutes kept in Barnsley Archives of at least nine men belonging to the church who lost their lives. 


Barnsley Regent Street Congregational Church Memorial

Memorial plaque from Regent Street Church, now on display at Farrar Street Church
(photo taken 8 October 2014)

War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing

Second World War - Barnsley War Memorials
Researched by MAC

Transcribed and photographed by Pete Schofield

Archival research by Barnsley Historian

Barnsley Archives A/163/2/N
The First World War plaque and Memorial Windows were unveiled during the morning service on 19 December 1920 by the Rev. J. Wilson.  The souvenir programme (shown right from Barnsley Archives) notes that 130 men from the Congregation "went forth to defend their Country".

The Second World War panel was added to the bottom of the original plaque in 1951 and the total cost of this addition covered by a church member.

The plaque was saved when the church on Regent Street was demolished in the 1960s and now on display in the Congregational Church on Farrar Street, Barnsley.

The men of this Church who gave their lives for us in the Great War

"If we die with Him"   "We shall also live with Him"

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here  (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

1914 - 1919

George J. Williams
Chas. Heppinstall
George White
Harry White

Arthur White
Lawrence Illingworth
Ernest South
Farquhar M. Nicholson
Benj. W. Gaunt
Albert Scorah
John R. Stocks
John H. England
Alex McLeish
Archie Cliffe
Frank Sumnell
Gilbert Edwards
William Berry
Harry Greenoff
Edgar R. Cooper
Harold Tetlow
Ernest Jones (James Ernest Jones)
Isaac Evans
George Cummings
Arthur Shearman
Ernest Sennitt
Sam Smith

1939 - 1945

John Bird
Roy Titley


Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Presentation of 435 War Memorial Transcriptions to Barnsley Archives

BWMP Committee Members Sandra Birkinshaw, Linda Hutton and Gill Brookes present our folders to Paul Stebbing of Barnsley Archives (photo by Barnsley Council)

Three folders, 435 War memorials, 11k names
On Tuesday 23rd September the Barnsley War Memorials Project presented three folders (pictured above) to Barnsley Archives.  Produced by our Information Officer, Pete Schofield, by collating submissions from over 50 local people who have photographed and transcribed war memorials for us, the folders contain listings of 435 war memorials (at 23/09/2014) and a total of more than 11,000 names from the First and Second World wars, the Boer War and post-1945 conflicts such as the Falklands War and Afghanistan.  

These three folders are now available for everyone to use on the open shelves in Barnsley Archives and will be constantly updated as new information comes in.

Our presentation coincided with the installation of the new glass panels commemorating soldiers of the First World War in the Barnsley Pals Centenary Square which were dedicated later in the week at the official opening of the Experience Barnsley 'Road to War' exhibition.

Unfortunately despite the submission of a detailed press release to both the Council and the Barnsley Chronicle our presentation appears to have been misunderstood by the Council (who do not mention the folders' contents in their news item) and was omitted from that week's edition of the Barnsley Chronicle - though admitedly we did make the front cover of the local free newspaper, the Barnsley Independent the following week.
Barnsley Independent 30 September 2014
However, again, the item does not actually mention what the folders contain, merely stating that the folder pictured was "one of three books the group has made during its first year of research".

It is important to state that the production of these 435 (and counting, 441 as of today, 8 October 2014) lists of names is only the first stage towards the advertised aim of the Barnsley War Memorials Project to produce a Roll of Honour of Barnsley's First World War Fallen.  

Our next step is to bid for Heritage Lottery Funding in order to create an Online Database which can be used to store and sort the names of the men thus far collected, adding sufficient personal information to make each man individually identifiable. It will also used to produce an alphabetical list of names, something we have not been able to do so far, and this index list will be produced in paper format to be deposited at Barnsley Archives alongside our recent donation of the War Memorial Inscriptions folders.

In order to bid for Heritage Lottery Funding we will need the support of the wider Barnsley community as well as Barnsley Council, Barnsley Archives and media organisations such as the Barnsley Chronicle, Dearne FM, BBC Radio Sheffield and so on.  

Our project is similar to others across the country such as the Tynemouth World War One Commemoration Project (1,700 names) in the North East of England and in West Yorkshire Craven's Part in the Great War (1,866 names) but we are aiming to include over 5,000 names.

Please could anyone with advice or suggestions about how we can raise awareness of our project across a wider audience in Barnsley contact us.  

We can be reached by email at or you can contact us via Facebook ( and via Twitter (@BnslyWarMems).   

If you wish you can even simply leave a comment below this post, but please give us some way of getting back in touch with you!  Comments are subject to moderation and personal email addresses will not be published online.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Thurgoland The Fellowship of the Services Memorial Plaque, Holy Trinity Church

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the end of WW2 (photo taken 4 August 2014)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photographed by Pete Schofield


225  S  Mess
The Fellowship of the Services
Peace in Our Time   We Give our Thanks
1945   50th Anniversary of VE & VJ Day 1995    1995
For the Fallen
Remember Us When Next You Pray
For Your Tomorrow We Gave Our Today
We Will Remember Them


There are no names on this memorial.


Thurgoland, WW2 Memorial Plaque, Holy Trinity Church

Memorial Plaque to the Fallen of WW2 (photo taken 4 August 2014)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Genuki listing

Second World War - Barnsley War Memorials
Researched by MAC

Transcribed and photographed by Pete Schofield

In Memory of the / Men of this Parish / who died on Active / Service in the War / 1939 - 1945

At the Going Down of the Sun / And in the Morning / We Will Remember Them

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here  (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Thomas Beet,

Douglas Matthewman,
Stanley Illingsworth,
George Warttig,
Arnold Thawley.


Thurgoland, WW2 Roll of Honour, Holy Trinity Church

WW2 (and later) Roll of Honour in the Holy Trinity Church,
click to enlarge (photo taken 4 August 2014)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Genuki listing

Lives of the First World War Community

Second World War - Barnsley War Memorials
Researched by MAC

Transcribed and photographed by Pete Schofield

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here  (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.


D. Matthewman    R.A.    Discharged
Lewis Hurt        
Harry Thawley        
D. Crossland    R.A.C.   
Joseph Bedford    R.A.F.   
Fred. Crossland        
Vernon Airstone    K.O.Y.L.I.    Discharged
Friend Shepherd    R.A.S.C.   
D. Airstone        
Joe. Stevenson    R.A.   
Jack F. Smith    R.A.F.   
Donald Hague       
Reginald B. Hawson    R.A.    Discharged
Edwin Birkinshaw    R.A.F.   
Arnold Thawley    C.Gds.    P.O.W.
Frank Mellor    R.A.   
Arthur Birkinshaw    R.A.    P.O.W.
J. Furgusson    A.F.S.   
Albert Damms        
William Hattersley         P.O.W.
Jack Watts    R.A.S.C.   
C. Constantine    K.O.Y.L.I.    P.O.W.
Laurence Morton    R.A.   
Ellis Parrott    R.A.M.C.   
Maurice Swift    R.A.   
Leonard Thawley    R.A.F.   
Fred Roebuck    R.A.S.C.   
Kenneth Parrott    R.A.F.   
Hubert Parrott    R.E.    Awarded B.E.M.
Newman Hurt         P.O.W.
Cyril Green    D.L.I.    P.O.W.21-5-40
Margeret Wade    T.A.N.C.   
Harry Goldring        
Frank Peaker        
Frederick Mudd    R.A.F.   
Christopher Brown    R.A.F.   
Sherill Hague    R.A.S.C.   
Robert Grayson    R.A.F.V.R.   
Jack White    R.A.F.V.R.   
John Robert Stage    R.E.   
Bernard Matthewmen    R.N.   
Charles Morris    R.A.F.   
Ralph Hague    R.A.S.C.   
Harry Price    R.A.S.C.   
Harry Broadbent    R.N.   
Kenneth Mawdsley    R.N.   
Norman Green    R.A.S.C.   
Mavis Hague    A.T.S.   
Herbert Crawshaw    R.A.F.   
S. Walker    R.A.S.C.    Discharged 23-12-40
Harry Burton    R.A.   
E. Davies        
J. Watts        
B.B. Booth        
Diana Booth    W.A.A.F.   
Eric Day    R.N.   
H. Casey        
G.H. Jackson    R.P.C.   
H. Micklethwaite    R.E.    Discharged
E. Micklethwaite    R.A.   
G.H. Green         Discharged
Sam. Crawshaw    R.A.    Discharged
W.W. Redwood        
H. Ronksley        
C. Mollart        
W.J. Saunders         Discharged
S. Cooper    C.Gds   
William Earl    R.A.   
Charles Marsden    R.A.   
S.J. Walton        
J. Hunter        
E. Hill        
S. Cooper    C.Gds   
William Earl    R.A.   
Charles Marsden    R.A.   
S.J. Walton        
J. Hunter
E. Hill        
H. Hinchcliffe        
H. Johnson        
Loyd Allen         Discharged
Donald Allen    R.N.    Discharged
J.E. Smith    R.A.F.   
William Hill        
John M. Parker         Discharged
A.M. Moore        
W.M. Insley        
G.B. Haigh        
T. Long    R.A.   
N. Thawley         Discharged
Raymond Thawley    R.A.F.   
D.M. Marshall    R.N.   
Alfred Maidment    R.A.O.C.   
Ralph F. Hague    R.A.S.   
G. Ward    R.A.F.   
J. Ward    R.N.   
Hilda Kaye    A.T.S.    Discharged
Margaret Crossland    W.A.A.F.   
S.C. Nicholson    V?
Thomas Beet     R.N.    Killed in action April 43
Ronnie Dixon    R.N.   
R.G. Young    R.A.M.C.   
Frank Shepherd    R.A.C.   
Hilda Lowe    N.A.A.F.I.   
W. Glaves    R.A.
Una D. Thawley    W.A.A.F.
Dennis Matthewman    R.N.
Eric Laycock    R.A.C.
Elsie V. Palfreyman    A.T.S.
Herbert B. Watts    F.A.A.
Nancy Swift    W.L.A.
Lilian M. Squires    A.T.S.
Joyce Raynor    A.T.S.
George Wartigg    G.H.    Killed in action 26 Feb 44
Winifred Matthewman    W.A.A.F.
Laurence Parrott    R.N.
Ronald Haigh    R.N.

-Other Conflicts -
David J. Marsh    CM RM    Killed in action 30-03-08