Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Grimethorpe War Memorial, St Luke's Church, Grimethorpe

Grimethorpe War Memorial (photo taken 13 April 2014)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Genuki listing

Second World War - Barnsley War Memorials
Researched by MAC

Wakefield Family History Society

There is a folder available in Barnsley Archives with research into the men on this memorial.

Newspaper research by BarnsleyHistorian

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Barnsley Chronicle 17 November 1923
(thanks to Barnsley Archives)

Names transcribed from the newspaper cutting:

Richard Banks,
James Rowley,
William Hall,
Charles O’Brien,
John William Gill,
Albert Prosser,
William Conner,
Daniel Hughes,
John Dixon,
Ernest Allwood,
Charles Hill,
John Henry Vickers,
Thomas Turner,
Ernest Allen,
Charles O M Bubb,
George Bollans Lennard,
David Allott,
Percy Lamb,
C Pickles,  (Charles Pickles)
H B Holdsworth,
John Allott,
John Thomas Marsh,
Thomas Hill,
William Quinn,
Luke Callinan,
William O’Brien,
Joseph Harby,
Edward Howard,
John William Howell,
Christopher Murray,
Alexander Fotheringham,
Walter Yates,
Thomas Wilman,
Sidney Bird,
William Henry Atherton,
Frederick Wainwright,
Richard Parker,
Albert Davies,
Robert Sudworth,
George Cosgrove,
William Henry Nicholson,
Joseph Cullishaw,
William Thomas Hughes,
George Harby,
William Whitehead,
Henry Hemmingway,
Herbert Blower,
Thomas Gilbert Sellars,
Harry Haigh,
James Henighan,
Sidney Gill.

The names on the memorial are arranged by regiment and on three sides of the monument - not four as suggested in the newspaper cutting.

Front Face WW1:

E Allen West Yks,
D Allott West Yks,
C O M Bubb West Yks,
G B Lennard West Yks,
J Allott RFA,
T Hill RFA,
JT Marsh RFA
C Pickles RFA.

Front Face WW2:

G H Nippers,
F Chopping,
H Allbrook,
F W Gray,
R Thornton,
L Hopson.

1951 ( Malayan Emergency):

J D Whitehead (James Daniel Whitehead)

1971 (Northern Ireland):

Gnr C Loring RA (Clifford Loring)

1982 (Falklands Conflict):

WO M Atkinson (Malcolm Atkinson)

Left Hand Face WW1:

KOYLI (Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry)

E Allwood,
R Banks,
W Connor,
J Dixon,
J W Gill,
Wa Hall,
C Hill,
D Hughes,
C O'Brien,
A Prosser,
J Rowley,
T Turner,
J H Vickers,
J Herrod,
G H Culshaw,
J Gallagher,
W Hall.

R Jennings K Livpl
E Howard RE,
J W Howell, (John William Howell - Canadian Engineers)
A Fotheringham RN,
C Murray RMLI,
T Wilman RGA,
S Bird Cheshe Rgt,
W Yates Bedfd Rgt,
W Quinn Welsh Fus,
J Harby Royal Fus,

Left Hand Face WW2:

T Hoop,
F Silver,
C J Lowe,
I Linstead,
C Loring, (Clifford K Loring)
C Smith,
C Wilkinson,
S Leonards,
S McMullen,
G Kenchington,
T Westhead,
W Cook,
Mrs L Judge,
R Howson.

Right Hand Face WW1:

Y&L (York and Lancaster Regiment)

H Blower,
G Cosgrove,
J Collishaw,
A Davies,
S Gill,
H Haigh,
G Harby,
H Hemingway,
J Jenighan,
W T Hughes,
W H Nicholson,
R Parker,
T G Sellars,
R Sudworth,
W Whitehead,
C Jackson,
J Thompson,
T Marr,
J Robinson,
S Stansfield,
J Horabin,

W H Atherton Munst Fus,
F Wainwright Leicr Rgt,
I  Callinan Ryl Irish Rfls,
W O'Brien Ryl Irish Rfls,
(name obscured by scrollwork)
H B Holdsworth DLI
J Burton E Lancs,
G Collins RE,
J Roebuck N Staffs,

W Crompton Y&L

Right Hand Face WW2:

D Meakin,
A Baldwin,
L Shaw,
E Chamberlain,
E Cox,
S Stewarson,
A Chiltern,
E Allen,
S Watson,
I Shobrook,
T Harrison,
J Morris,
C Rogerson,
W Redmile.


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