Sunday 8 September 2024

Hickleton, St Wilfrid's FWW memorial board

War Memorial board in St Wilfrid's Hickleton (photo taken 7 Sep 2024)


War Memorials Register listing

Genuki listing

Photographed by Nigel Croft

Transcribed by BarnsleyHistorian 


In Remembrance
Of Those Who Enlisted From This Place Most Of Whom Went
Overseas To Fight For Their King & Country In The Great War 1914-1918
Make Them Be Numbered With Thy Saints
In Glory Everlasting


Where further information has been discovered for any of these men it will be linked (look for names underlined and in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site. In this way we try to avoid duplication and encroaching on the research of other groups and individuals. * indicates a Barnsley man.

Hon Edward Wood
John Cyril Dalton
Paul Dalton
Lawrence Heptenstall
Harry Heptenstall
Frank Ball  +Killed
George Ball
Arthur Ball
Arthur Wenman
John Wenman
Herbert Teale  +Killed
William Teale
George Stables
Herbert Atkinson 

George Benjamin Wood
Percy Rogers
Sidney Walters  +Killed
Harry Salkeld
Archie Acomb
Frank Turner
Albert Smeaton
Frederick Andrews 
Ernest Stoneham
Wifred Parker
George Cocking
Jack Linton
George Linton
Harry Johnstone

George Ford
Ernest Stewart 
Claude Harker
John William Sykes
James Sykes  +Killed
Charles Lockwood
John William Garbutt
John Henry Wordsworth
Reginald Gould
*Ralf Leslie Mackridge  +Killed
Charles Kent
Joseph Ernest Smith
James Dixon
Herbert Hibbird
Thomas Hunter

Saturday 30 March 2024

Ossett, Trinity Church, Church Street, FWW & SWW war memorial wooden panels

(previously the parish church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, Ossett or Holy Trinity church)

Wooden memorial panels at Trinity Church Ossett (photographed March 2024)

This memorial has been recorded and transcribed and attached to the Barnsley & District War Memorials site because at least four men who were born within the Barnsley Borough have been found commemorated here. It is hoped that this will make it possible for visitors to our site to search for all their Barnsley relatives in one place.


War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing 'Ossett's Rolls of Honour' including this memorial.

Photographed by Wayne Bywater in March 2024.

Transcribed by BarnsleyHistorian


To the glory of God and in memory of the men
who fell in the cause of peace 1914-1919
Remember O Lord the brave and the true who have died the death of
honour and are departed in the hope of resurrection to eternal life

The first panel reads:

The All Saints' Chapel and the altar canopy, sedilia screen, panelling and other oak furnishings in the Sanctuary were dedicated in memory of the men whose names are here recorded. All Saints' Festival 1921.

Where further information has been discovered for any of these men it will be linked (look for names underlined and in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.  In this way we try to avoid duplication and encroaching on the research of other groups and individuals.
Barnsley born men are indicated by a * (work still in progress).

Harry Ambler
Eli T Archer
Percy Audsley
George A Beaumont
Harry Bickle
Charles E Binns
William Binns
Jesse Birkinshaw
William Blackburn
Harry Bowers
Kisby Brook
Harold Brown
Alfred G Burrill
William A Butterfield
William Chappell
Jason O Clafton
Robert Clarkson
James W Clayton
Horace Craven
Charles H Derry
Albert Duncan
John Ellis
Laurence Ellis
Walter Ellwood
Ernest Firth
Claude Fisher
Walter Flesher
Harry Fothergill
Clifford Fozard
William Gawthorpe
Herbert G Gee
William F Gee
Harold Giggal
Willie Giggal
Arthur Gillson
Horace Glover
Thomas P Godley
John W Gray
Joseph E Harlock
Fred G Hatfield
George Hemingway
Clifford Hepworth
William Hetherington
William Holder
Herbert Holland
Edward Humphrey
Ernest Jessop
George E Jessop
Harry Kellett
Claude M Lawrence
Andrew Lockwood
Joseph Lockwood
Stanley Lockwood
Joseph Megson
George Metcalfe
Joshua Mitchell
Harold Nettleton
George Nettleton
Willie Nettleton
Walter Norton
George H Holroyd
Sam Padgett
Robert E Pennington
George A Pickard
Joe Pickard
John Plant
Walter Reynolds
Arthur Richardson
Bernard Richmond
James Richmond
Fred Riley
Claude Robinson
George E Robinson
George Sanderson
Henry Sanderson
Frank Sharp
John W Shaw
Arthur Sheard
George A Shillito
Joseph Smith
Oliver Smith
John Spedding
Percy Speight
George H Taylor
Henry Tingle
Levi Tolson
Archer Townend
Gerald Townend
Walter Turner
Harvey Wainwright
Norman Wainwright
Frank Walker
Victor Walker
Daniel Ward
Israel B Westerman
Willie P Whitaker
Arthur White
Charles Whitehead
John J Whitehead
John W Wilby
John B Young


Pontefract, St Giles, First World War memorial panels

First World War memorial panels in St Giles, Pontefract (photographed 30 March 2024)

This memorial has been recorded and transcribed and attached to the Barnsley & District War Memorials site because a small number of men who were born within the Barnsley Borough have been discovered to be commemorated on this memorial. It is hoped that this will make it possible for visitors to our site to search for all their Barnsley relatives in one place. 

A digital Roll of Honour, which includes all of the names on this memorial, the civic Roll of Honour (displayed in Pontefract Library) and the memorial cross at All Saints, Pontefract, plus some additional Pontefract connected men, can be downloaded from the Pontefract & District Family History Society website. Click on the title 'Pontefract Roll of Honour' at the foot of the page.

The Imperial War Museum's War Memorial Register does not currently list this memorial.

Photography by Nigel Croft
The width of the memorial and the darkness of the area in which it stands made photography difficult but by combining pictures taken from various angles we were able to capture images of the panels of the memorial without having to disturb the items displayed in front of it.

Transcribed by BarnsleyHistorian


In thanksgiving to God and in perpetual memory of those from this Church
who gave their lives in the Great War. 1914-1919.


If ye suffer for righteous sake happy are ye

Where further information has been discovered for any of these men it will be linked (look for names underlined and in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.  In this way we try to avoid duplication and encroaching on the research of other groups and individuals.
Barnsley born men are indicated by a * (work still in progress).

Click image to view larger version

A Abbott
E Archdale
H Archdale
H Ackroyd
W Archer
H Athorn
E Asher
S Austwick
A Barber
S Barnes
*C Barrett
R Bence
A Bennett
J Bennett
C W Bonner
W Boothman
H Bullock
W Bullock
J Bullock
T Bullock
Jno Bullock
J W Briggs
C Brown
H Brown
G Bartle
H T Brooks
L Campsall
J Chields
J Child
*T Clegg
J W Clough
J Collins
H E Crabtree
T W Crewe

W Davey
C Davies
Ed Davies
Ern Davies
F Dixon
F Dunwell
F Earley
F England
T England
A T Exley
S Fellows
P Fieldhouse
P Finn
J R Fynn
W Foster
P J Fox
G E France
T S France
W R Fraser
H B Furbank
E Firth
J Garlick
A Garner
C S Gell
P Giles
J Gill
N Gordon
T Gott
W Gott
G H Glassby
T H Hartley
A Hanson
M Hanson
R A Hardcastle
H G Harris
C W Harrison
Jos Harrison
A Hargreaves
F Haycroft
E Heckingbottom
H Hepworth
T Hepworth
Jno Harrison
P J Hill
A J Heseltine
W S Heseltine
P Higgins
F Hiley

Click image to view larger version
(these panels have been cropped & edited)

A Hill
E C Hillaby
J Holland
H Holroyd
J Holroyd
H Hopkinson
W Hopkinson
R Hopwood
G Howard
H Howarth
G H Hawley

F Jackson
G T Jackson
L W Jackson
S Johnson
S E Johnson
P Jones
R Jowett
W S Keighley
H Knight
C Leech
H Leek
Jno Lemm
Jos Lemm
A E Leng
D Leng
R De L Leng
T Lindley
A Lewin
A Lewis
J W Lister
E Lowden
W C Markwich
A E Markwich
T Mason
J Mc Niel
S Mellor
J C Metcalfe
J T Millett
A Millett
T Mills
G F Mitchell
E Milner
R H Morley
J Moore
E Moxon
V Moxon
T Mulligan
H Murgatroyd

A Neal
J Nicholls
A Nicholson
G W Nicholson
L S Nicholson
W Nicklin
A Noble

A E Ogley
H O Hara
F Packard
T R C Parrish
F Pagdin
T Palmer
W Peatfield
A Ponsonby
A Possiff
T Powell
W Pocklington
E W Phillips
W Prince
W Proctor

W Richardson
C S Ruddlesden
E W Rhodes
P Ryder

L W C Scarfe
W Scholfield
W Scoltock
J H Scott
W Shaw
E J Sheasby

Click image to view larger version

J H Shillaker
J Shipman
J Simms
A Simpson
W Skelton
J H Skidmore
E P Skidmore
G T Slater
H H Slater
C Smith
E J Smith
R H Smith
R Southwell
W Steel
J Stephens
B Stones
W Sutherland

G Tankard
J J Tate
Harry Taylor
Her Taylor
T Taylor
J R Thirsk
J Thomason
R Thompson
P Thexton
W E Tisdall
F Tomlin
J Tomlinson
S S Trueman
A D Turner
C Turner
E Turner
G Turner
J Turner
Mary L Turner
W Travis
W Tolley
A Twibey
H S Ursell
A Vaughan
F Walker
G W Walker
F Walters
B Ward
E C Ward
J Webb
G W Webster
R Wilce
J Williams
D Wilson
F Wilson
G E Wilson
W Wilson
M Winn
W Winterburn
E J Withers
J W Woodall
C J Woodcock
E W Wroe
Joe Walker
J F Walker
J Wadsworth
H Quartermain


Thursday 21 September 2023

Barnsley Cemetery John Edward Davies

War Memorial Gravestone for John Edward Davies (photo by Wayne Bywater)

War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing

Find A Grave

Lives of the First World War

Photograph by Wayne Bywater

Grave Location and Inscription: 
H 267
In Loving Memory of / Ann / The beloved wife of  / Private J.E. Davies / who died March 3rd 1915 / aged 22 years. / Also Lily, daughter of the above / who died December 27th 1915, aged 4 years. / Also the above named Private J.E. Davies, who was killed in action in France, April 9th 1917,  / aged 27 years. / Also Phoebe Allemby, dearly loved mother of the aforesaid / Ann Davies / died April 18th 1944, aged 77 years. / Peacefully Sleeping. //

Read more about John Edward Davies on
A Barnsley Historian's View - 'Thomas and John Edward Davies - Two Brothers Who Lose Their Lives in Very Different Ways in WW1'

John Edward Davies is also remembered on the St John's Barebones FWW memorial.

Private John Edward Davies is buried in Chocques Military Cemetery, in France, Plot I.K.8. and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

B&DWM #BAR07/87

Saturday 2 September 2023

Rotherham Minster, Major L P Aizlewood MC AFC and Men of Rotherham memorial plaques

Men of Rotherham memorial plaques (photo taken 29 Aug 2023)
Click image to view larger version.

This memorial has been recorded and transcribed and attached to the Barnsley & District War Memorials site because a significant number of men who were born within the Barnsley Borough were commemorated on this memorial. It is hoped that this will make it possible for visitors to the site to search for their Barnsley relatives in one place. As far as we are aware only the War Memorials Register currently includes a transcription of the full names list, and that does not display the regimental headers to each group of men. These will be included here for the assistance of visitors in identifying their relatives.


War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing


Individual panels photographed by either BarnsleyHistorian or Nigel Croft on 29 Aug 2023.
The polished panels made photographing difficult but by combining pictures taken from various angles and with different camera settings we were able to fully transcribe the memorial.

Close up of the central inscription. Click image to view larger version.

To The Glory of God / In Proud and Tender Memory of their only child / Leslie Peech Aizlewood MC AFC Major Royal Air Force / who after a career of signal & distinguished service / gave his life for his country on 29th September 1918 / and In Honoured Memory of All The Officers & Men / from the Town of Rotherham who fell in The Great War / 1914 - 1918 / Their name liveth for evermore / This monument is erected by Albert Percy Aizlewood J P & Florence Shaw Aizlewood / his wife of Blenheim House Rotherham

Where further information has been discovered for any of these men it will be linked (look for names underlined and in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.  In this way we try to avoid duplication and encroaching on the research of other groups and individuals.
Barnsley born men are indicated by a * (work still in progress) .

Click image to view larger version

York & Lancaster Regiment
W Adams
E Adlingon
J Aldam
H T Allen
J Allen
A Allington
F Allott
E Asbery
A Asbury
P Ashmore
B A Askew
W Atkins
E Attwood
F Bailey
G W Bailey
H Bailey
G Baker
J Baker
J W Baker
S H Baker
W Baker
A Baldwin
T J Bale
C H Ball
J Bannister
W Barber
M Barker
W Barker
J W Barlow
A Barlow
F Barnes
W H Barnes
W Barnett
J L Bates
W Baerd
*A Beckett
C Beckett
S Beckett
V Beckett
J T Beighton
W Bell
T Bellamy
A Bennett
C L Bennett
C W Betts
C Betts
G Bevington M.M.
W Binney
M Bird
York & Lancaster Regiment
E C Blackburn
S G Blanzey
F H Blunt
E Blythe
A E Booth
L Booth
J W Boothby
O Bowers
S Boyes
B Bradbury
F Brailsford
T Bramley
H Bridges
W Bridges
A Briggs
H Brooks
L W Brooks
T Brooks
A Brown
G Brown
H W Brown
S Brown
J E Brunt
H Brunyee
H Burgin
C Burton
H Burton
G Bush
G Butcher
*H Butler
F Butler
B T Callaghan
G Campbell
A Caroline
F H Carpenter
C Carr
B Carradine
T Cartwright
W M Chaddock
R Charlesworth
R Clark
F W Clark
J W Clark
W B Clarkson
*T Clegg
G H Clements
F Cliffe
F Cloke
W Coates
York & Lancaster Regiment
G Cobb
E Cockayne
H Coley
W Collumbine
W Cook
J H Cooper
I L Cooper
W D Cooper
C Coupe
F Cox
W Creasy
V J Crehan
J Cross
W Crossland
W Crossley
J Crowden
J Cunliffe
G A Daglass
G Dainty
J Davidson
J H Davies
W Davies
C W Dawson
J W Dean
F Dickinson
J Dobson
W Ducker
S Duckmanton
A Duty
A Dyson
E Earnshaw
W Earnshaw
G H Eastwood M.M.
E Edwards
A F Edwards
A Ellingworth
*F W Elliott
T Ellis
E Everitt M.M.
W Fairbanks
B Featherstone
D Featherstone
F Fell
H Field
J Finney
G H Firth
W Flanagan
B Flintham
W Flintham

Click image to view larger version

York & Lancaster Regiment
F Foers
G Foster
V T Foster
H Foulds
G Franks
S French
B Froggatt
C H Frost
C Gabbitas
G Gabbitas
L Garrison
G H Garside
J Gaskill
J Gaynor
G S Gibbs
W Gill
J W Gilliver
J Godber
J W Godley
M H Goodall
J Goddinson
B Goodwin
W Goddwin
C Graham
L F Gray
G Greaves
H Green
J Green
T Green
S Green
S Greensmith
B Greenwood
I Greenwood
T Gregg
B Gregson
W Grensley
E Griffiths
J E Griffiths
H Guest
R C Guest M.M.
R Gummer
S Gummer
W Hacking
J Haddon
W Hague
W A Hague
R Haigh
S Hale
M W H Hale
York & Lancaster Regiment
J Hall
W Hall
J Hallsworth
*W Hallsworth
T Hamer
B Hampson
F P Harper
J Harper
S Harper
H Harrad
G S Harris D.C.M.
S Harris
W Harris
W Harrop
W Hart
T Hartshorn
F Hawkesworth
H Hawkesworth
A Hayes
G Haywood
W Haywood
A Heath
T Hemley
E G Henderson
S Henry
F Heppenstall
G H Herbert
T Hetherington
J Hetherington
R Hirst
C W Hobkinson
H Hodgkinson
J Holford
G Holmes
G W Hooks
A Horsford
J W Hossell
T Hough
H Houghton
Jas Houghton
Joe Houghton
G Houseman
J W Howcroft
W H Howell
F Hoyle
S Hubbard
J Humphries
E A Humphrays
E Ingram
York & Lancaster Regiment
E E Inman M.M.
E Iveson
G E Jackson
R W Jackson
J Jeffs
H Jenkins
G Jenkinson
W Jepson
A Johnson
F Johnson M.M.
H Jones
J E Jones
A C E Jubb
W Kay
A Kelley
J Kelly
J Kendall
A Kendle
W Kennedy
W Kent
F Kerridge
W Kerry
H Keyworth
T Kilner
T King
W King
A E Kirkham
A M Kyte
F G Lamkin
I Lancaster
H Lawson
T Leadbeater
T Leather
T Ledger
B Lee
F Leech
W G Leeman
C Lewis
G Lidster
J Lidster
J W Lilley
J H Littlejohn
H W Liversidge
E T Lloyd
C Lockwood
R Longden
V Lowe
E Lumley
M Malie

Click image to view larger version

York & Lancaster Regiment
E L McCormick
J McGarry
T Mallett
J Manderson
J W Manns
C A Marcroft
C Marshall
H Marshall
H M Mathewman
W A Medcroft
H G Medley
W Medlock
H Mell
G H Millward
A Miree
E Moorby
R Moore
F W Moreton
A Morgan
A Morley
E Morley
G Morley
G Morris
H Morris
J Morris
Joe Morris
John Morris
S Morris
S Morton
H Mullaney
H Mullins
L Mullins
F Murphy
E Myers
W H Myers
G H Naylor
F Newcombe
A Newey
G W Nicholson
R Nicholson
F North
F B Oldham
L Oliver
W H Orrell
G Oscroft
A Oxborough
C M Oxby
C Parkin
G H Parkin
York & Lancaster Regiment
G W Parkin
O Parkin
W Parkin
D Parkinson
J T Parkinson
O Patterson
C C Payne
H Payne
G Peacock
J J Pearce
*R Peatfield
F Pitt
E Pitson
J Platts
J W Platts
J Pomeroy
H Poxon
J C Poulson
C E Pratt
G Pratt
L Pratt
E Prendergast
A E Price
E A Price
T Price
A Probert
J Rathbone
T Redfern
W Remington
H Richards
P Richardson
E Richmond
W Rieley M.M.
W Rhodes
F Roden
E Rodgers
G Rodgers
*L Roebuck
G Round
H Rushton
A Russell
B S Russell
W T Rutter
J Ryder
C H Salkeld
D H Sanders
F O Sale
F T Scott
A Senior
York & Lancaster Regiment
A Shadlock
J Shakespeare
M Sharkey
S O Sharp
A Shaw
W Shaw
G Shenton
H Sheridan
S Simson
C Simpson
G H Simpson
H Skidmore
J G Slack
J R Slater
A Slinger
T Sloan
G H Smith
J E Smith
S Smith
R E Smith
G W Speed
L Spencer
W Spittle
J Spittlehouse
A Squires
G South
W H Stamp
J Steeple M.M.
W Steeples
W Steer
W Stevenson
A Stinton
F Stockham
J Straw
G H Stringer
G A Suter
J W Swaine
A C Swallow
A E Swallow
H Swan
J A Swift
J W Swift
C Tate
G W Tate
G Taylor
G N Taylor
H Taylor
P Thomas
R Thomas

Click image to view larger version

York & Lancaster Regiment
E Thompson
F Thompson
S Thompson
J Thorne
A Thorpe
J E Tinsdale
W E Todd
J Tomlinson
E Topliss
J Topliss
*F Townend
V Townsend
S Trueman
J H Trevis
E Turner
H Turner
L Turner
H Turton
G W Tuxford
J W Twiddy
J Twigg
R Twigg
F Underwood
C Uttley
T J Vale
J Vaugham M.M.
W Veitch
J H Vernon
G Vickers
R B Wake
G Wales
A Walker
A Walker
E O Walker
J H Walker
J Waller
Jas Waller
T Walsh
E Walton
F Walton
G H Ward
H Ward
F Warren
A Watson
T A Watson
M D A Westlake
G Wheway
H Whitaker
T C White
York & Lancaster Regiment
W Whitehead
E Whitehouse
J Whiteley
H Widdowson
G Wilby
L Wilkinson
S Wilkinson
M Willey
H William
C F Willis
P Willis
H D Wilson
F W Wilson
W Wilson
G Wing
J Woffinden
J T Woodcock
W Woods
A Woodward
A Wright
E Wright
G Wright
H Wright
W Wright
G F Wroe
I Yarrow
E Yeardley
C York
East Yorkshire Regiment
A Beecher
W Brookes
H Cull
T Denton
J C Green
A Harrison
A Kirk
J W Mapes
E Noyland
A Pashley
A Potts
A Ranby
J Tarpy
C E Tinsley
F Webb
J Winder
Yorkshire Regiment
G C Hodgkinson
W E Ogilvy
J V Townend

Click image to view larger version

King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

T A Arundel
A Atkinson
F Baddley
F Bailey
A Barber
F Barber
J Barnett
W Bates
S Blackwell
H Briggs
F Burgan
H Butterfield
R Campbell
T H Clarke
S Cooper
W R Cooper
B Dobson
G Drury M.C.
J Dugan
F Ellis
C English
J Fawcus M.M.
L Fisher M.M.
B Flintham
R Foster
C Freebury
C Froggatt
E Froggatt
J Fry
C G Gellatly
W S Gill
J T Goodall
A Green
W Harding
J Harrop
E Harrison
A Hinchcliffe
J Holford
A Hollingsworth
J R Jackson
W James
L B W Jew
G H Johnson
J A Keeling
M Law
W Laycock
W Lindley
W J Lowen
S Lyson
Leslie Peech Aizlewood M.C. A.F.C.
Royal Air Force
C Dutchman
M W Wormald
King's Own Yorkshire Light

J H Maiden
G W Martin
E Millward
B Morris
J J Morris
S Morton
A Parker
J Ray
E L Ray
C Richardson
W Roebuck
J Shaw
J J Stocks
R Sykes
J Taylor
J T Taylor
H Tomlinson
P Turner
W L Tyler
J E Walton
G H Watkinson
S Whiteley
J C Wisehall
T R Worrell
J Wright
West Riding Royal Horse

J E Hicks
A Jeffries
Royal Scots Regiment
W Wright
Royal Dragoons
E Jenkins
A Knowles

West Yorkshire Regiment
E Bates
A Beech
B Bernard
G Biddle
D Bolton
W H Bradbury
H Damms
S Dobson
J Drury
J R Ducker
S Frost
A Harrison
P Hastings
C E Himsworth
W H Hirst
H Hollin
E Jeavons
S Jenkins
B Jones
J Keeley
A Lockwood
J Marshall
C Mason
T Parker
C H Parkinson
C Pinner
J Pounder
J Quinn
R Sayles
F Shakespeare
J Siddaway
E W Simpson
G Sloan
M Stephens
E Watts
I Wilkinson
Royal Marine Light Infantry
D A Bailey
H Boardman D.C.M.
J E Clark
R Cousins
J A Eyre
A Frost
A Layte
F W Matthews
G A Morgan
East Kent Regiment
T Leesley

Click image to view larger version

Coldstream Guards
G Andrews
C Arnell
J W Bamforth
H Brown
H Eagle
E Guy
J Hancock
G Maugham
E Sparrow
A Steele
O Stephenson
W Webb
F Woodhead
F Wortley
Grenadier Guards
F Carr
H Croft
T H Fisher
W Tomlinson
Life Guards
S Maiden
Scots Guards
P A Andrews
Devon Regiment
S Archer
King's Own Royal Lancaster

C English
R Upstone
King's Liverpool Regiment
W Goy
J Hinchliffe
W F Page
J W Warburton
Norfolk Regiment
H T Smith
E H Utting
Lincoln Regiment
R Bradbury
J Cook
R Davies
E T Dolan
H Globe
A W Lloyd
T Nicholson
Liverpool Regiment
H Cave
Suffolk Regiment
E H Pearce
Northumberland Fusiliers
A C Appleby
H C Appleby
W Atkinson
J Besley
H Bingley
W Cobb
A Crossley
T W Dale
C Dodd
J C Gunn
T Heathcote
W Holmes
R Hoyle
W James
G Jubb
G Keeling
A Martin
G Nunn
A F Pearson
B Richmond
F Richmond
J W Rourke
F C Savage
J Scholes
W Seevers
E Shaw
T Skinnan
R A Sorsby
C Spreckley
B Stevens
J Wells
W Wright
Royal Fusiliers
P Burns
L Fillingham
F E M Grout
J A Hempsall
E Loveday
B Pratt
S H Taylor
F Wilmot
Leicester Regiment
A Hollingdrake
Scots Fusiliers
H Croft
C Hoole
H Morley
A Richardson
C Tyler
Lancashire Fusiliers
J H Day
T W Dickinson
A Foers
H Gordon
W McClenna
J Rabbett
W Senior
J Yeardley
J Wood
Scottish Rifles
W Goss
South Wales Borderers
W Cross
R Hemingway
W Hill
W Horton
J Lockwood
C H Martin
Warwickshire Regiment
B Dixon
Royal Welsh Fusiliers
J Baker
B Cadman
G H Kyte
B Pratt
King's Own Scottish

W Oliver
G Wilson
9th Lancers
S L Boden
Inniskilling Dragoons
W Parkin
10th Hussars
B A Sykes
5th Staffordshire Regiment
A A Andrews
C J Griffin
A Keens
W Wright
Border Regiment
J Stockdale
T W Swallow
East Surrey Regiment
W Cox
East Lancashire Regiment
J Hunt
C W Keeling
G H Lyon

Click image to view larger version

East Lancashire Regiment
G T Lyons
W Peers
R Williams
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
F Cooper
F Lake
J H Smith
Duke of Wellington's Regiment
J S Cooper
C E Himsworth
E Lunn
J H Lunt
J S Palliser
H Plant
E Steed
C W Whitham
J Wilkinson
Hampshire Regiment
T Bates
C H Parkinson M.M.
Northamptonshire Regiment
M Bettles
Sherwood Foresters
E Appleby
W Baker
H Bean
R T Bolton
H George
S Handley
J H Hinds
S Hodgkinson
F Liversidge
W H Sugden
W Robins
R L Williams
S Wilmot
Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry
R Pascoe
Middlesex Regiment
G Byrne
E Meeber
G Westerman
G Wordsworth
Black Watch
H Page
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
L B Newsum
Royal West Kent Regiment
W Dix
Connaught Rangers
J A  Ball
E Banes
H Black
J E Booth
E R Cartwright
E Cuckson
R W Hibbard
G W Jackson
N C Kempston
E Millns
A Morley
G H Parker
H Sharp
J Spellman
E Stevenson
B Tipton
J E Watson
H Woodhouse
Rifle Brigade
W Gee
London Regiment
H Bowen
A E Finch
S Tucker M.M.
Manchester Regiment
H Holmes
J T White
S Wilson
13th Hussars
J Bottom
H Parkes
20th Hussars
H Walker
Highland Light Infantry
*A Midwood
W Ward
North Staffordshire Regiment
E Greenock
A W Smith
Gordon Highlanders
R Ballantyne
H L Moss
Cameron Highlanders
C Davy
H Gray
B E Green
W D Hobson
E W Smith
T Trueman
King's Royal Rifles
J W Brownlow
R Butcher
I Cook
L Crehan
L Haythorne
J Ibbotson
G W Jackson
J E Guy
J Kent
W Ketterick
F S Mace
H Mohady
H Owen
G D Parkes
W Rodgers
T Sugden
J Wall
W Wallis
Essex Regiment
John Hayhurst
S Ledger
Durham Light Infantry
E Barrett
A Barraclough
E Blackburn
H S Booth
J W Caterer
E Coates
A Cook
G Corker
C A Elliott
W L Finney
H Gorrill
W Gray
J Griffith
J Harrison
S Knowles
R Morton
W G Oxley
F Shirtliff
W H Turner
A H Ward
M T White
M Wisehall
S P Wright
Royal Irish Rifles
W D Conroy
F Dodson

Click image to view larger version

Royal Garrison Artillery
G A Baker
J Barber
W Barber
C A Barker
W Butler
A C Bowen
W Edison
T Edwards
H Frost
T A Gullick
E Jennison
G N Knowles
J E Notley
J Ogley
E Payne
J Postlethwaite
C Shaw
A Slack
W Trollope
J Westby
Royal Horse Artillery
A E Leetch M.M.
Royal Munster Fusiliers
R Clark
G H Crooke
T Cuthbertson
A Fowler
G Fox
G Hale
W Hamer
S Hodgkinson
J Lambert
W Lambert
H Richards
J H Smith
C Stephenson
J Taylor
J Thurman
Royal Dublin Fusiliers
G Priest
Army Service Corps
J Gregory
F Jennison
J W Lee
H F Newell
London Rifle Brigade
J Stansfield
Queens Royal West Surrey

P Brotherton
Royal Field Artillery
W H Attwood
A Bannister
J Bannister
J E Batley
R W Boulton
A Butler
T Clark
T Davenport
T Duncan
W Eyre
B Ferns
A Foster
J Gibbs
G Green
R Hall
A Harper
T Horsfall
P Hoyland
C Hudson
J J Hutton
C Jackson
F Jennison
G H Johnson
F W King
J Lee
T Lidster
C H Mallinson
G Millson
A Milton
A Mitchell
A Morgan
H Myers
J Newell
G North
H Oxby
G H Parkes
C Portman
N Riley
H P Rising
J Smith
E G Stacey
G Sturgeon
E D Taylor
W P Thompson
W Thompson
C Trask
H T Trott
H Vernon
H Wadsworth

Royal Field Artillery
B A Walker
F Walton
H T Walsh
F Ward
W Wilkinson
G W Wingate
H Woodger
A Woodthorpe
H Wright
Royal Army Medical Corps
T Murphy
T W Outram
Machine Gun Corps
H Brooks
F Clark
C Cook
A B Copley
P R Davy
W Dickinson
A Drinknell
R G Garnham
F Green
D L Haag
E H Pearce
J Quinlan
G Richings
W Rodgers
F Roberts
A Simmons
J A Swift
Tank Corps
G Testi
Royal Naval Volunteer

A Abson
William Curran
P Walters
Sportsmens Battalion
Gwyn Hatfield
Cyclist Corps
H Broadhead
W E Davies
J Wood
Labour Corps
C Barnes
A Beech
H Gresham

Click image to view larger version

Royal Engineers
T Archer
A Asling
A Bick
L E Brierley
G Butcher
H Cheeseborough
F Cheeseman
H Cooper
E Dalton
J W Downey
W Edmunds
C Gough
C A Graham
W Hackett
E Hagger
H P W Halls
R Horsford
J Jackson
W Keeling
W Maleham
E Mangham
S Millward
A T Mitchell
W Morgan
S Oakes
A Payne
G Quayle
A Redfern
P Shaw
H Siddons
R H Stoker
R Thompson
D Thornhill
B C Turner
S A Wales
B A Walker
R Whittington
W Wildsmith
T W Winter
Westminster Rifles
H Hardy
Queen's Westminsters
H N Thorley
Australian Force
A Allatt
Canadian Infantry
H Bickersdirke
South African Infantry
G H Newell

Royal Naval Division
F Bailey
J Binney
W H Bligh
G Brookes
G Carlyne
J Carradice
W Clarke
T Didlock
J Dobson
A H Duke
J Edwards
J W Emery
A Flate
E Fletcher
G Frear
T W Green
L Grimmer
F E Guest
T Gunn
T Hague
C T Harker
H Hattersley
G Heathcote
C Hinchliffe
E Hodkin
J Hocknull
H Jennison
E W Jubb
W Kendrick
A Linton
R Liversidge
H A Martin
T Millican
E Morris
J Oxley
R Pickering
P Pilkington
W Pursglove
P Rothery
G E Russum
*G E Seed
J Shentall
R W Skinner
C Temple
W Thompson
A Turner
J Tuxford
H E Watford
W Winn
J E Wright


Friday 21 October 2022

Cortonwood Wesleyan Methodist Roll of Honour

 * Please follow the link to the My Methodist History website for an image*


My Methodist History


There are some similarities between the names listed here and those on the Brampton Parish Hall Roll of Honour (the precise origin of which is not yet known), however there is insufficient correlation to be able to identify the Methodist Church as a source for that document.  

Some of the men named here are also listed on the memorial at Christ Church,  Brampton Bierlow, the Anglican parish church for the area.


Pte. Samuel Burrows     1977      York and Lancaster Regt.

Bdr. Mark Barker        831708   Royal Field Artillery

Pte. Albert Booth       16554    York and Lancaster Regt.

Pte. George Boldy       479        York and Lancaster Regt.

Sgt. William Clarke      308      2nd Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers

Rifl. James Crawford     467      King’s Royal Rifle Corps

Pte. Albert Crawford  31329       Loyal North Lancashire Regt.

Pte. George Dodds  [15537] King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

Pte. Peter Harvey      [52087]    East Yorkshire Regt.

Pte. William Moorhouse     King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

Sergt. John Moorhouse     182     York and Lancaster Regt.

Pte. Henry Dean Moorhouse  23791  York and Lancaster Regt.

Pte. Thomas O’Boyle    1805      York and Lancaster Regt.

Corpl. Harry Parsons  [12682]    York and Lancaster Regt.

Sergt. Albert Ryman   7419      1st Bn. Lincolnshire Regt.

Pte. Edward Scott            York and Lancaster Regt.

Pte. Sidney Tomlinson   24019      York and Lancaster Regt.

Pte. Alonzo Turner      12948       York and Lancaster Regt.

Pte. George Wilks        [14244]    York and Lancaster Regt.

L Cpl. Bertram Wilkinson   14/1302   York and Lancaster Regt.

Pte. James Wright       22608      Lancashire Fusiliers


Tuesday 4 October 2022

Barnsley Cemetery - George Law


Law family gravestone in Barnsley Cemetery


War Memorials Register listing

Lives of the First World War

Find A Grave

Photograph by Wayne Bywater taken on 1 May 2018

Grave Location and Inscription: 

H 1258

In Loving Memory of
Mary Ann
The Beloved Wife of
Thomas Edwin Law
of Pogmoor
Who died July 7th 1911
Aged 53 years
Also George, son of the above
Killed in Action Octr 26th 1917
Aged 22 years
"Thy Will Be Done."

Father Thomas Edwin Law is also buried here, he died in 1939 in Beckett Hospital aged 82. Not named on the gravestone. This suggests the date of the inscription was between 1917 and 1939 or Thomas would have been included.

George Law is remembered at Tyne Cot and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website

B&DWM BAR07/90