Saturday, 15 February 2014

Cudworth Cemetery, Jabez Benjamin Clare KOYLI

Clare Family Gravestone in Cudworth Cemetery (photo taken 10 Nov 2013)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Barnsley Historian

Monumental Inscription by Barnsley Family History Society

Grave Location and Inscription:

Section AS    Row 2    Number 5
In loving memory / of / Betsy / the beloved wife of / Joseph Clare / who died Sept 4th 1915, aged 51 years / also Pte. Jabez Benjamin Clare / 1st 5th K.O.Y.L.I. beloved son of the above who was / killed in action in France, July 5th 1916 / aged 18½ years / He died a hero for his country / also Arthur, beloved son of the above / who died Dec. 7th 1918. / aged 17 years & 11 months. / They rest in peace / also the above named Joseph Clare / who died August 14th 1925 / aged 61 years. / In death united.

Read more about Jabez Benjamin Clare on Barnsley Soldiers Remembered, he is also remembered on the Cudworth War Memorial.

The Cudworth Local History and Heritage Group's book, Lest Cudworth Forgets, includes more information on him.

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