This is the successor website to that which was originally created by the group known as the 'Barnsley War Memorials Project', who did valuable work throughout the First World War Centenary period, 2014-2019.
Committee of the Barnsley War Memorials Project (BWMP), after
completion of the First World War Roll of Honour (click the 'FWW Roll of Honour' tab for more information and full listings of the details of
names and available photographs) and the donation of remaining monies
collected for that project to Barnsley Archives and a local war memorial
project, decided to wind up the Project and to cease updating this
site. The previous 'About this Project' page is here.
two ex-Commitee members of the group - who contributed in a major way
to the creation and maintenance of this website and to the collation of
data for the BWMP - have continued the running of this site as of 21
November 2020. We stress that this in no way denigrates the work of the
BWMP Committee and Members, but rather reflects our wish to continue our
research without having to completely create a new website. It also
reflects the continuing discovery of war memorials and erection of new
memorials across Barnsley and its surrounding towns and villages.
Therefore, the site has been renamed to:
'Barnsley & District War Memorials'
There is no need to update any links to the site as the domain name remains the same.
site continues to cover the whole of the Barnsley Borough, including
war memorials in all settings, outdoors, indoors, cemeteries and
graveyards, and of all types.
Here is an article about some of the different kinds of memorial we are researching.
A Facebook
page 'Barnsley's History - The Great War' with over 1,000 members
interested in all things First World War (FWW) including war memorials
can be found here.
Edit - 11 November 2022 - The Facebook page has been paused for the time being as there is currently only one administrator who has been finding it difficult to give it all the attention it needs. The process of 'pausing' a Facebook page is reversible, so hopefully it will be resumed at some point in the future. Meanwhile all the posts remain visible and contain many useful references and ideas for research, and the site will still appear in search results.
The contact email for all enquiries about this site is now
We have made every effort to update contact details throughout the
site, but apologise if we have missed anything. Please do not hesitate
to contact us if you spot any omissions or errors.
The definition of a War Memorial as used on this site, can be found on the UK War Memorials website and is reproduced here.
War memorials can be any tangible object which has been erected or dedicated to commemorate war, conflict, victory or peace; or casualties who served in, were affected by or killed as a result of war, conflict or peacekeeping; or those who died as a result of accident or disease whilst engaged in military service.
We also recommend the Imperial War Museum's War Memorial Register where you can search for memorials across the whole of the UK by place and name. We intend to continue to contribute our research to this site. They have a downloadable document which explains their definition of a war memorial. Click here.
1. memorials located in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man
2. memorials to conflicts from any point in history to the present day
3. memorials that commemorate the impact or acts of war, conflict or victory
4. memorials that record thanksgiving for the safe return of individuals, the coming of peace or the prevention of war
5. dedications that have been added to other gravestones which commemorate a war casualty buried elsewhere
6. memorials that commemorate the service, return or death of military personnel during war, conflict or peacetime irrespective of the cause of death, as well as deaths after the end of the conflict as a result of wounds or the effects of war
7. memorials that commemorate the wartime service or death of civilians serving in non-combatant organisations
8. memorials that commemorate civilians, including refugees and internees who suffered or died as a result of enemy action or in a war related accident as well as a consequence of war or conflict
9. memorials to the service, suffering and death of animals during wartime
Many details and short biographies of men and women who served in the Second World War can be found on this separate site, Barnsley War Memorials - Second World War The author of that site has also created sites for Sheffield, Rotherham and Doncaster.
Our thanks to Barnsley Archives for all their assistance now and in the past.
BWMP #Aboutv3
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