Friday, 20 December 2013

Cudworth, Memorial Plaque, West End Institute & Club, St John's Road

War Memorial plaque in the West End Club, Cudworth

War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing

Researched, transcribed and photographed by BarnsleyHistorian and the Cudworth Local History and Heritage Group

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

1914 – 1918

Joseph Brown,
John Cale,
Arthur Lister Goddard,
George Goose,
Fred Green,
Cyril Ernest Hewitt,
George Hill,
Shepley Johnson,
Walter Johnson,
William Neville,
Benjamin Smith,
Herbert Straker,
William Taylor,
Edgar West,
Benjamin Westmoreland,
Herbert William Winter,
Edmund Wright,

1939 – 1945

Harold Midgley,
Joseph Wootton,
Frederick Wright,


M Atkinson,


M Driver,


Dodworth, Dodworth Green Road and High Street junction

Dodworth War Memorial photographed December 2013


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Genuki listing

British Listed Building - Grade II 

Second World War - Barnsley War Memorials
Researched by MAC

Lives of the First World War community

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Barnsley Chronicle 19 May 1923
(thanks to Barnsley Archives)

1914 - 1918

Allport T C  Capt,  (Thomas Coote Allport)
Addlington H  Sgt,
Arnold H   Pte,
Austin W   L/Cpl,
Betton E  L/Cpl,
Bilton J G   Pte,
Bower E  Pte,  (Edwin Bower)
Bower T  Pte,  (Tom Bower)
Briggs R  Cpl,
Brown W  H  Sig, (Henry Wilkinson Brown)
Burton J  Sgt,
Clowery E   Pte,
Collier S  Pte,
Cole H  Pte,  (Harry Cole)
Crawshaw S  Pte,
Crawshaw R   Pte,
Dudley B  Pte,
Fearn A  Pte,
Folks W  Cpl,
Firth P  Pte,
Hepworth J  Pte,
Hoyland C  Pte,
Holmes P  J   L/Cpl,
Hattersley F   L/Sgt,
Hutchinson A   Pte,
Kaye L  Pte,
Kirk S Pte,
Martindale H  Pte,
Millard H   Pte,
Ramsden W  L/Cpl,
Robinson A  Pte,
Sanders A   L/Cpl,
Sanderson M  Pte,
Senior C  L/Cpl,  (Cyril Senior)
Senior G  Pte,
Senior H  H  Pte,
Simpson W  Pte,
Smith H  Pte,
Steele J O  Sgt, (Joseph Oxley Steele)
Sykes J  M M  Sgt,
Sykes A Cpl,
Strutt G Pte,
Totty H  Pte,
Townend F  Pte,
Walshaw F Pte,
Westby T   Lieut,
Whittles H  Pte,
Wood C  Pte,
Winterburn W  Pte,
Youel W Pte,
Armfield C E  Pte,
Spruce S  Pte,
Brooks B  Pte,
Green J  Eyre Pte,
Pickering C  Cpl,

1939 - 1945

Baines F  Gnr,  (Frank Baines)
Bamforth P  Pte,
Barker A  Pte,
Barrett E  A/B,
Darlow J  Pte,
Fisher F W  Sgt Gnr,
Garritty E  Gnr,
Gough M  F/Sgt,
Green H  Pte,
Hartley D  Sgt,
Hodgson H  Pte,
Sanders A  Pte,
Hepworth J  Sgt,
Jones R H  Sgt ,
McGoldrick M  Pte,
Riding H  LAC,
Stafford W A  Scn,
Strutt C  Pte,
Taylor N  Sgt,
Thompson N  L/Bdr,
Turton A  O/S,
Whitaker G  P/O,
Bradley J A  Coder,


Sunday, 15 December 2013

Gawber, St Thomas' Church, War Memorial

War Memorial at St Thomas' Church, Gawber

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Second World War - Barnsley War Memorials
Researched by MAC

Transcribed and photographed by BarnsleyHistorian

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Barnsley Chronicle 21 June 1924 (thanks to Barnsley Archives)


Arthur Atkinson,
Herbert Atkinson,
Albert Beachill,
Alfred Casken,
Arthur Casken,
John Chapman,
Matthew Chilvers,
Alec Clarke,
Charles Ellis,
Hubert Franks,
John Heeley,
Herbert Kellett,
Albert Rushforth,
Thomas Hume,
Harry Lloyd,
Clifford Spurr MM,


Colin Hume,
Albert Lee,
Ronald Stones,
William Harrison,
Jack Brailsford,
Leslie Palfreyman,
Victor Lee,
John Schofield,
Walter Coldwell,
Joseph Hodgkiss,
Harold Robinson,
John Robert Coulsey,
Walter Leslie James,
Norman Charles Wood,
Frederick Playfair Howard,
Jack Heighway,
Arthur Beevers,
Harry Turner,
Joseph Ware,
Irving Purseglove.


Sunday, 8 December 2013

Worsborough Common, St Lukes Church, Highstone Road

War Memorial at St Luke's Church, Worsbrough Common


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Lives of the First World War Community

Transcribed and photographed by BarnsleyHistorian
This memorial is being researched in depth by BarnsleyHistorian

"Erected by the inhabitants of Worsbro’ Common in memory of the fallen of this parish in the Great War"   

Where further information on a name has been
researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Barnsley Chronicle 12 Nov 1921
(thanks to Barnsley Archives)

Cornish, J,  (John Edwin Cornish)
Jepson, J E, (John Edward Jepson)

Cullumbine, J, (James Cullambine)
Harrison, W J, (Wilfred Jagger Harrison)
Mann, J, (John Mann)
Priestley, F, (Fred Priestley)
Woodhouse, G, (George Woodhouse)

Askin, D, (David Askin)
Armitage, J, (John Armitage)
Dunn, A E, (Albert Ernest Dunn)
Lyons, C, (George Lyons)
Merril, E, (Ernest Merrill)
Malkin, W, (William Malkin)
Parker, W W, (Walter William Parker)
Roystone, E, (Eli Royston)
Sagar, T, (Thomas Sagar)
Shepherd, H, (Horace Shepherd)
Tindall, W, (William Padley Tindall)
Wood, A, (Harry Wood)
Jackson, J, (John Jackson)
Smith, S. (Samuel Smith)

Armitage, G, (George Armitage)
Cawthorne, C H (Charles Henry Cawthorne)
Hewitt, C A G, (George Alfred Guest Hewitt)
Humphrey, J A, (John Alan Humphrey)
Kenny, John, (John Kenny)
Kenny, Jas, (James Kenny)
Lawton, W, (William Lawton)
Nixon, S, (Samuel Nixon)
Prince, W, (William Prince)
Thornley, J W,(James W Thornley)

Armitage, W, (William Armitage)
Atherton, F, (Frank Atherton)
Ardron, E, (Ernest Ardron)
Brannon, J,
Blackshaw, G, (George Blackshaw)
Copley, T H, (Thomas Hunton Copley)
Fairham, P, (Percy Fairham)
Padgett, W, (Walter Padgett)
Sutcliffe, R, (Robert Sutcliffe)
Speight, J, (Joseph Speight)
Taylor, B, (Ben Taylor)
Tingle, W, (William Tingle)
Whitelock, C R, (Charles Railton Whitelock)
Wood, G, (George Wood)
Williamson, W, (Walter Williamson)


There is some discrepancy between the names given in the newspaper cutting reporting the unveiling of this memorial and the names on the memorial.  For example James Jenny in the Barnsley Chronicle is Jas Kenny on the memorial and H. Wood in the Chronicle is A. Wood on the memorial.  J.A. Humphrey on the memorial was listed as J.A. Humphreys in the Chronicle.

There is a small metal plaque attached to the front face of the base of the memorial commemorating the fallen of the Second World War, but it contains no names.


Monk Bretton Working Men's Club WW1 Roll of Honour

WW1 Roll of Honour (photo taken 30 July 2014)

War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photographed by Nigel Croft

Original photo and information by Peter Atkinson and many thanks to the Club for welcoming us in to take further photos.

Newspaper research by BarnsleyHistorian

The Roll of Honour / recording the names of those gallant members of the / Monk Bretton Club / who took arms for their Country in the Great War of 1914

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here  (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

The list of names on the Roll of Honour in the photo above and the list that appeared in the Barnsley Chronicle on 26 March 1921 differ slightly.

On Roll of Honour photo
Barnsley Chronicle
Ball TH, 
Carr H,
Carr J,
Cherry E,
Clarke T,
Cowley J,
Draper T,
Duffy T,
Eastwood H,
Enock C,
Firth H,
Freeman F,
Green J R,
Hadfield J,
Harrison L,
Hellewell A,
Johnson A,
Johnson E,
Jones H L,
Knight T,
Lancaster G B,
Mackenzie A,
Organ E,
Organ H,
Scott G,
Sheard F,
Silcock H,
Sowden J G,
Thompson H H,
Todd FW,
Walton W,
Waters S,
Waters W,
Watts T,
Wilson GW,
Wilson S.
Ball, T H,
Carr, H,
Cherry, T,
Cherry, E,
Clarke, T,
Cowley, J,
Draper, T,
Duffy, T,
Eastwood, H,
Enock, C,
Firth, H,
Freeman, F,
Green, J R,
Hadfield, J,
Harrison, L,
Hellewell, J,
Johnson, A,
Johnson, E,
Jones, H L,
Knight, T,
Lancaster, G B,
Mackenzie, A,
Organ, E,
Organ, H,
Scott, G,
Sheard, F,
Silcock, H,
Sowden, J G,
Thompson, H H,
Todd, F W,
Walton, W,
Waters, S,
Waters, W,
Watts, T
Wilson, G W,

Wilson, S,

Barnsley Chronicle 26 March 1921
(thanks to Barnsley Archives)

Names of Members who sacrificed their lives:

Carr, J,  (Joseph Carr)
Harrison, L,
Johnson, A,
Knight, T,
Mackenzie, A,
Silcock, H, (Henry Silcock)

Waters, S,

Monk Bretton's Roll of Honour
Unveiled by Capt Lancaster
Memorable Ceremony at the Village Club

On Sunday evening (21st March 1921) an impressive ceremony was performed at the Monk Bretton Working Men's Club, when Capt G B Lancaster unveiled a Roll of Honour to members of the club who served with HM Forces during the great war. [...] The Roll of Honour, which is not yet complete, bears 42 names and more are to be added.

The cutting mentions other names to be added, but this does not appear to have been done:

O Gilmore,
A Wardman,
G Harston,
R Manterfield,
G Acklam,
W E Dodd,
L L Duffy,
J Burton,
F Kirk,
A King,
W Reeves,
P H Johnson,
H H Johnson.


Monk Bretton, St Paul's Church, WW1 Memorial Tablet

Memorial Tablet in St Paul's Church, Monk Bretton


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Lives of the First World War listing

Transcribed and photographed by BarnsleyHistorian

The list on the War Memorial on Cross Street includes an additional five names plus World War Two names and one from the Korean War.

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Pte Herbert Atkinson 14th Bn Y&L Rgt
Seaman Arthur Atkinson Jutland
Pte James M Bailey 14th Bn Y&L Rgt
Cpl Charles Bedford 7th Yorkshire Rgt
Pte George E Beck 13th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Richard Burke 14th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Tom Bailey 1/5th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Joseph Carr 9th Bn KOYLI
Cpl Charles Cooke 14th Bn Y&L
Pte James Critchley 1/5th Bn Y&L Rgt
Cpl Chas L Duckworth 1st North Hants
Pte Fredk Franks 6th Bn East Lancs
L/Cpl Jesse Eyre Green 2nd Bn N F
Pte C Grattan 1/5th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Ernest Harston 2nd Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte John Horobin 14th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Thos Hill 8th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Albert Ed Harston 26th Bn N F
Pte Lewis Harrison 12th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Thomas Hunt 1/5th Bn Y&L Rgt
Stoker W T Hinchliffe HMS Defence
Gunner Thos H Horbury RGA
L/Cpl J T Johnson 8th B N KOYLI
Cpl Arthur Johnson 456th F Coy RE
Pte George H Jessop KOYLI
Cpl Thos Knight 1st Bn KOSLI [Kings Own Shropshire Light Infantry]
2nd Lieut Peter C Kerr 7th L F
Pte Thos Knight 1/7th West Yorks
Sig Thos A Kelk 16th Bn KOYLI
Sjt Rufus Kelk 1/5th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Fred Knapton 1st Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Daniel W Lee 2nd West Yorks
Alice Hilda Lancaster Territorial Probationer
Cpl Charles R Lowe KOYLI
Pte Amos Marsden 1st Bn Y&L Rgt
L/Seaman Arthur Malkin MM Anson Bn Rnvr
Pte Arthur Moxon Royal Highlanders
Capt Archibold Mackenzie 17th N F
Pte Henry McDonald 1st Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Herbert Musgrave 4th Bn Liverpool Rgt
Pte A E Oldroyd ASC
Pte Thos Partridge 2/4th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte P J Pitcher 2nd West Yorks
Pte William Russell 14th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Arthur Russell 15th Bn Y&L Rgt
Sjt Thomas Richards 15th Bn Y&L Rgt
L/Sjt J W H Silcock 7th Bn KOYLI   (Henry Silcock)
L/Cpl Albert Scorah 10th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte John Shaw Royal Marines
Pte Abraham Shaw Black Watch
Pte Richard Turner 1st Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Edwin Turner 1st Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Thos E Truelove 2/5th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Austen Turton 14th Bn Y&L Rgt
Pte Thos Wm Victory 1st Bn Y&L Rgt
Able Seaman C A Whitehead Hawke Bn Rnd
Pte Chas W Wood 1st Bn Y&L Rgt
Stoker Arthur Wood H M S Bellerophon
Pte Bernard White 2/5th West Yorks
Sapper Samuel Waters 142nd AT Coy RE

Sgt Chas E Williams 2/4th Y&L Rgt
A Seaman Harry Williamson Hawke Bn RND


Thursday, 5 December 2013

St John's Church, Barnsley - Oak Memorial Tablet

St John's Church in the early 1960s (from YOCOCO)
The unveiling of a memorial at St John's church, which used to stand on Joseph Street in the Bare Bones or Wilson's Piece area of Barnsley was announced in the Barnsley Chronicle on 24th September 1921.
The Oak Memorial Tablet was installed at the West End of the Church and unveiled on Sunday 18th September 1921.
Barnsley Chronicle 24 Sep 1921
(thanks to Barnsley Archives)

Unfortunately the church was demolished in the 1960s and the tablet has been lost.  

A replacement memorial has been created and has been installed in the nearby St Peter's Church on Doncaster Road. Its dedication took place on Saturday 15 October 2016 at 4pm. 

The 140 men named on this memorial have been researched in depth by BarnsleyHistorian and a copy of the research sent to St Peter's for display at the dedication in 2016.


War Memorials Register entry for original memorial

War Memorials Online

Lives of the First World War Community 

1918 Absent Voters' Lists for St John's Parish

“To the Glory of God and in grateful memory of the gallant men from this parish who fell in the Great War.”

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here  (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

G T Alderson,
David Archer,
Tom Archer,
Jonas Atkinson,
Thomas Atkinson,
John Bruce Atha,
Frederick Barman,
Joseph Batty,
Cyril G Bayford,
Sam Beaumont,
John Beaumont,
Earnest Beecroft,
Albert Bennett,
G Bennett,
John Henry Bird,
James Barman,
Harry Brown,
John A Brindle,
James W Buckley,
Joseph Burley,
Thomas Burrows,
George Chadwick,
Thomas Clarke,
Ernest Clayton,
Joseph Clinton,
Thomas Cole,
Joseph Cotterill,
Albert Crossland,
J E Davies,
John Darbyshire,
Ernest Denton,
Andrew Dolan,
Frank Drury,
Thomas Dryden,
George Dunk,
John Ellis,
W Etherington,
Percy Fairham,
Duncan Fairley,
Harry Field,
Fred Firth,
Herbert Fishwick,
William Ford,
Tom Foster,
Charles H France,
Harry Gay,
Albert Gelder,
George Glassby,
T Gomersall,  (Thomas Gomersall)
Benjamin Green,
John R Griffiths,
John Guest,
Tom Guest, (Thomas Heald Guest)
Harry Haigh,
N Hanby,
Alfred Harper,
George Harrison,
F Haithwaite,
C Heppinstall,
George H Hewitt, (George Henry Hewitt)
Lazarus Hewitt,
Richard Hill,
W Hinchliffe,
Elijah Hobson,
T W Holdsworth,
Henry Hudson,
Hewitt Huggard,
Lewis D R Huggard,
Thomas Hyde,
George Jackson,
Walter Jackson,
Arthur Johnson,
Edward Jones,
Harry Jones,
Edward Jordan,  (Ephriam Jordan)
Joseph Kenny,
Charles H Kirby,
Frank Laister,
Walter Law,
W Leadbeater,  (Wilfred Leadbeater)
S Lee,
Wilfred Leng,
Matthew Lucas,
Richard Mason,
Herbert Miller,
S Mitchell,
Frank Moore,
Ernest Morgan,
James A Noble,
Walter Ogden,
James Parsons,
Jabez Patmore,
William Poskitt,
Edwin D Potter,
Francis J Potter,
Walter H Raley,
W Henry G Raley,
William Richardson,
Harry Riley,
Sidney Roberts,
J H Robinson,
Albert H Rose,  (Albert Harry Rose)
John Rose,
Arthur Royston,
George Ryan,
Enoch Sanderson,
Ronald J Saville,
D C Scarborough,
James Seddon,
John Shepherd,
George W Smeaton,
Charles Smith,
John R Smith,
William Smith,
William J Smith,
Stanley Spencer,
George Stathers,
Thomas J Stones,
Arthur Storrs,
Ernest Styran,
Benjamin Sumner,
Norman Theaker,
James W Thornley,
William P Tindall,
Harold Tingle,
Luke Townend,
Joseph H Turner,
Hubert Wade,
Ernest Wainwright,
James A Warden,
Walter Watkin,
Arthur White,
Louis Whitaker,
Charles Wood,
Clarence Wood,
John Wood,
William Wood,
Joseph Woodcock,
G Worstenholme,
Alec Wyke.


Tuesday, 3 December 2013

St Edward the Confessor, Kingstone, WW1 memorial plaque

Memorial plaque at St Edwards (photo by BarnsleyHistorian)


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Lives of the First World War Community

The 1918 Absent Voters' List for this parish has been transcribed.

Researched and transcribed by KingstoneHistory

A book called Kingstone Remembers the Great War which contains the stories of all of these men was published in December 2014, information from this website which also includes short biographies and many photographs of the men.

This plaque was dedicated on 21 March 1920.


Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Charles Coote Allport
Percy Holmes
Edward Jones
Harold Sawyer
James Laycock


Monday, 2 December 2013

Tankersley, Memorials at St Peter's Church, Back Lane, Tankersley

WW1 Memorial Plaque at St Peter's Church, Tankersley
WW2 Names are inscribed around the Font Cover
Additional Plaque and Memorial Book at St Peter's, Tankersley


War Memorials Archive listings

 War Memorials Online listing

            WW1 Memorial Plaque
            WW2 Font Cover
            WW1 Additional names

 St Peter's Church, Tankersley website

Transcribed and photographed by BarnsleyHistorian

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

2 July 1921 Barnsley Chronicle
(Thanks to Barnsley Archives)
[1914 - 1918]

Oliver Anderson,
Henry Norman Bird,
Leslie Victor Brigstock,
Horace Browes,
Horace Bruck,
Harry Camplin,
George Camps,
Robert Nevin Carswell,
Albert Chambers,
John T Christopherson,
Albert Crane,
George Crawshaw,
George Darwin,
Ben Elliott,
Ellis Fenton,
George Edward Fletcher,
David Hawksworth,
Harry Hedges,
Lawrence Hedges,
Walter Hedges,
George Alfred Howard,
George Henry King,
Wilfred Ernest Marsden,
William Lillie Mellor,
Joseph Ellis Mosley,
William Thos Norman,
Joseph Richardson,
Henry Rose,
Thomas Sanderson,
Sydney G Schofield,
Leonard White.

[Additional Names]

Reuben Edward Burkinshaw,
Frederick William Battle,
Ronald Duncan Harris,
Vincent Jowett,
Charles Mallinson,
Norman Skelton,
Albert Edward Uttley,
Joseph Allan Walton,


John Atkinson,
Walter Bramwell,
Raymond Bruck,
Frank Burgin,
Raymond Cave,
Bryan Earnshaw,
Harry Hobson,
Gordon Humphreys,
Geoffrey Lambert,
John Littlewood,
Albert Marsh,
Eric Outram,
Harry Quilter,
George Walsh

[Plaque Commemorating Burials in Churchyard]

Flying Officer Frank Chambers
Royal NZAF 9-12-1942

Sergeant R A Bruck
RAF Air Crew 22.12.1944

Corporal T A Howe
Pioneer Corps 14.1.1945

Private B Elliott
York & Lanc Regt 9.12.1916