Monday, 13 January 2014

Barnsley British Co-Operative Society Memorial Tablet, Co-Op Funeralcare, Huddersfield Road

Composite photo of the Co-operative Memorial, click to view in a larger window (taken 10 February 2014)


War Memorials Online listing

War Memorials Archive listing

Lives of the First World War listing

Photograph taken by KingstoneHistory

Some information on this memorial has been deposited in Barnsley Archives.

This plaque is in a narrow corridor and it has proved very difficult to get a good photograph.  The image above has been digitally edited and straightened to show the full memorial tablet.

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

[1914 - 1918]

G F Barham, (Charles Frederick Barham)
R Bradshaw,
R Calderwood,
G Chapman,
J W Cutts,
W Elliott, (William Elliott)
J J Fallace,
W H Falloon,
H Franks,
C Haithwaite,
A Hall,
W E Hall,  (Wardle Ewart Hall)
W Hodgson,
P Hoyland, (Percy Hoyland)
L Jackson,
A Jacques, (Arthur Jaques)
T Jacques, (Tom Jaques)
C Lawson,
H Ledgerd,
H Lipscombe, (Harry Lipscombe)
P Lumb,
R Prosser,
R Richardson,  (Robert Mark Richardson)
A Rose,  (Albert Harry Rose)
A Shearman,
A W Swallow,  (Alonzo Wilson Swallow)
C Tate,
G O K Thompson,
A Wherite, (Arthur Wherrett)
A White,
J Wilson,
H Wright,  (Harold Wright)

[1939 - 1945]

S Athorne,
C E Blacker, (Charles Edwin Blacker)
L Blacker,
W Bramwell,
J E Burley,
F Cooper,
R Cottam,
F Frogson,
L Gillespie,
F W Glaswell,
P Greveson,
J Kenny,
V Lee,
B Martin, (Brian Martin)
A Moore,
H Morris,
B Naylor, (Ben Naylor)
J Prosser,
H Riding,
C Shaw  (DFM),
K Sickler,
C Smith,
S Stewardson,
J Taylor,
J S Taylor,
J Vallance, (John Vallance, also known as Jack)
E Walker,
W Ward,
A Whittlestone,
G Dransfield.


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