Monday, 13 January 2014

Barnsley, Redfearn Brothers Glassworks & Aldham Works

Redfearn's Memorial in Barnsley Town Hall (photographed 16 January 2014)
Names on Redfearn's Memorial enhanced to make clearer (BarnsleyHistorian)

War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing

Lives of the First World War Community

This memorial is on display in a glass cabinet on the first floor of Barnsley Town Hall.  It is very difficult to photograph being dark, low contrast and at the back of the case behind other items.

Photographed by BarnsleyHistorian on 16 January 2014.

Update May 2014: A partial Roll of Honour for Redfearn Bros Ltd, Barnsley has also been found and can be seen here.

The men on this memorial have been researched in depth by BarnsleyHistorian and Peter West and biographies of many of them can be found on Barnsley Soldiers Remembered.


In Glorious Memory of / Our fellow work men / who gave their lives / in the Service / of their Country / In the Great War 1914-1918 / (names) / They died that we might live.

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

A Bateman (Albert H Bateman)
J H Bird (John Henry Bird)
J Derbyshire (John Derbyshire)
R Duncan   (Reginald Leslie Duncan)
W Feeley (William Feeley)
H Field (Harry Field)
B R Green (Benjamin Riley Green)
T Green (Tom Green)
E Hobson (Elijah Hobson)
W Jackson  MM (Walter Jackson)

E Metcalfe (Ernest Metcalfe)
J Metcalfe (John Metcalfe)
W Newsome (Walter Newsome)
J Pilkington  MM (James Pilkington)
C W H Speight (Charles William Henry Speight)

F Swaine (Frederick Swaine)
J T Vowles (John Thomas Vowles)
F Walker (Fred Walker)
A P White (Arthur Percy White)
G White (George White)
H White (Harry White)
A Wray (Arthur Wray)

[Aldham Works]

W Austin (William Austin)
A E Wilde (Albert Edward Wilde)



Unknown said...

If you follow this link you will find details of one half of a paper copy of the Redfearn's Roll of Honour.

BarnsleyHistorian said...

Hi Peter,
Thank you for this, I will contact you via the forum.

Noose said...

Walter Newsome was my grandfather, not sure if it is same though, He was a veteran so possibly.

Unknown said...

What happened to the memorial
Please our uncle j h bird was listed on it

BarnsleyHistorian said...

Hi Muriel,

Unless it has been moved in the last few weeks it is on display in a glass case on the first floor of Barnsley Town Hall, on the balcony by the rooms where marriages are performed.

If it is not there enquire in the museum and I am sure they will be able to help you.

Linda (Secretary of the Barnsley War Memorials Project)

BarnsleyHistorian said...

To the gentleman who commented about Walter Newsome. We think the man named on this memorial is the Walter Newsome who lived at 48 Summer Street in 1911 with wife Anne and children James, Edith, Lily and Anne. He is listed as a Glass Bottle Blower so this fits. He died on 1 December 1917 in Palestine and is remembered on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission here -,%20W