Wednesday 22 January 2014

Barnsley, Holgate Grammar School Old Boys - WW2

From an article in 'Alumnus' December 1948 (thanks to ML for this image)


War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing

This memorial was kept by Horizon Community College when Holgate School was demolished in 2012.  It lists 98 names of men who fell in the 1939 - 1945 war on three metal plaques mounted on an oak board.

The memorial is now sited at Shaw Lane Sports Club in the Holgate Suite and was re-dedicated on 9 November 2023.

Some information on this memorial has been deposited in Barnsley Archives. 

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Addy  D,
Atkinson  E, (Edwin Atkinson)
Bailes  S N,
Barraclough  J,
Bell  H,
Benson  A,
Bingley  S,
Bird  J,
Bluck  W,
Bolsover  A R,
Boulton  G,
Brailsford  H J,
Brooke  A R,
Brown  G,
Brown  H,
Bruck  R,
Burdon  S,
Burns  A,
Butcher  J A,
Clarke  H,
Clegg  H,
Cooke  A,
Coulsey  J R,
Coward  J L,
Cowley  R,
Crashaw  L,
Crashaw  M,
Crossley  R,
Cuthbert  G,
Dalton  D,
Dickinson  Ralph,
Dickinson  Roger,
Dunkley  L,
Eaton  E C M,
Fawcett  J,
Featherstone  G,
Fletcher  G F,
Fletcher  L,
Fox  G,
Gough  M,
Green  G E,
Haigh  R C,
Hall  S,
Hardman  C N,
Harris  P R,
Hawke  G O, (Geoffrey Oswald Hawke)

Hepworth  F,
Hewetson  H,
Hinchcliffe  E,
Hirst  B,
Hirst  T W,
Hobson  A, (Arthur Hobson)
Holdsworth  R W,
Horsfall  A,
Horsfall  D,
Howcroft  B W,
Howe  A,
Hyde  B,
Hyde  N B,
Ivett  P F,
James  W L,
Jones  D,
Kell  G W,
Kilner  J,
Livesey  M,
Marsland  J,
Myers  D V,
Nordon  A A ,
Owen  W, (William Owen)
Parkinson  F,
Platt  G,
Portman  J,
Poulter  J,
Rayner  G,
Reynolds  J,
Richards  J,
Ridge  A,
Ridge  F,
Riding  B,
Robinson  G,
Rowell  A W,
Sagar  T,
Sharland  D,
Siddall  D,
Smith  H S,
Spark  G T,
Spencer  W,
Stafford  W A,
Stear  A T, (Alan Trevor Stear)
Stubbs  C J,
Titley  R,
Turner  J,
Wainwright  G R,
Ward  L,
Wilby  R H,
Worrall  F, (Frank Worrall)
Wreakes  J,
Clarke  E C,



Roger Mulrooney said...

When I was at the school in the 60's and 70's they used to have a pupil at each corner of the school on all levels shouting out each name on remembrance Thursday. It was a fantastic tribute to the memory of these heroes.

Anonymous said...

I think I was there at same time as Roger Mulrooney (name rings a bell) and indeed remember those times. Now I'm older and have been to Ieper and WW1 and WW2 battlefields it means even more.

Chris Riding said...

I believe that the listed name of Riding B, should actually be Riding H. My uncle Herbert - He died 9th Aug 1942 in a training exercise when his plane crashed in Alabama USA. I attended Holgate from 1968 - 1970 and at the time was unaware that his name was listed on the plaque.

Melvyn Lunn said...

The WW2 Memorial is now sited at Shaw Lane Sports Club in the Holgate Suite and will be re-dedicated on 9 November 2023.