Monday 28 April 2014

Meeting of the Barnsley War Memorials Project 6 May 2014

The third meeting of the Barnsley War Memorials Project will be held on Tuesday 6 May 2014 from 2pm to 3pm in meeting room 10 of Barnsley Town Hall.

The Barnsley War Memorials Project's initial aim is to produce a Roll of Honour of the Fallen of the First World War for the Barnsley area.  Further information can be found here.

Items to be covered on 6 May include the new constitution, funding bids, progress, our public profile and accuracy and checking of work.

All are welcome, but please contact us first if you can so that we know how many people to expect.  Supporting papers can be requested from the same contact.

Thank you for your support.

Thurnscoe, St Helens Church, Memorial Window WW1

Memorial Window St Helen's Church, Thurnscoe (photo by PD)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photographed by Pete Davies

Newspaper research by BarnsleyHistorian


In Memory of the Men We Loved Who Died for England 1914-1918 Requiescant in Pace.

There are no names on this window, however the list of 82 names referred to in the cutting below can be found on our entry for the Memorial Plaque in St Helen's Church.

Barnsley Chronicle 11 March 1922 (thanks to Barnsley Archives)


Friday 25 April 2014

Penistone, St Andrew's Methodist Church, Memorial Tablet

Updated 26 April 2021 after the discovery of a newspaper article thought to report the unveiling of this memorial.

Memorial at St Andrew's Penistone, perspective corrected
(click to enlarge)


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photographed by JD in April 2014, perspective corrected April 2021.

Thanks to the Rev David Hall for permission to photograph this tablet.

Transcribed by BarnsleyHistorian with additions from the newspaper article in the Penistone, Stocksbridge and Hoyland Express, 27 August 1921, p.6, which we assume most probably refers to this memorial. We think this tablet is from the older St Paul's Methodist church which used to be on the site of St Andrew's (see this local Penistone webpage for more information on the various Methodist Churches, but if you have any additional information please contact us, as the wording in the newspaper article is different to the wording on the current memorial. 

One theory suggested is that the original memorial was damaged and that it was re-created for the new church with amended wording and the removal of three names. Or the newspaper report may have just made a mistake??

From the article 27 August 1921,
"There was a large congregation at the Penistone Wesleyan Church on Sunday night [22nd August] on the occasion of the memorial service to the nine old scholars of the Sunday School who had sacrificed their lives in the war, and the unveiling of the tablet in the Church bearing their names and the names of sixty-two men and a nurse, all of whom had passed through the Sunday School or were attached to the Church. The tablet is beautifully designed in oak, and bears the following names in gilt lettering:- ..."

Current Memorial Wording 
Wording in 1921 newspaper article
Pro Patria
To the Glory of God and in Memory of
Those who gave their Services
In the Cause of Humanity
Died on Active Service
[names of 9 dead]
To the glory of God.
In grateful and loving memory of the men of
this Church and Sunday School
who laid down their lives in the Great War,
[names of 9 dead]
And to record the service of:-
Lest we forget.

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.
Names or lettering in [ ] are in newspaper article but NOT on pictured memorial above.

Allen J.
Ashton W. H.
Beever G.
Beever G. H.
Beever L.
Birkenshaw A.
Birkenshaw G. H.
Bishop C.
Bonner A.
Butcher F.
Butcher G. H.
Butcher J. E.
Butcher J. W.
Calcutt W.
Clark A.
Clark E.
Clark W.
Clarkson A.
Clarkson G.
Clarkson W.
Clegg E.
[Clegg T.]
Clough H.
[Creswick G.]
Eddy G.[W.]
Farnsworth J.W.
French W.A.
Gledhill W.
Hawes H.
Hodgkinson W.
Houghton W. M.M.
Hirst F.
Jagger H.
Kilner B.
Knowles H.
Lee T. H.
Makin D.
Marshall J.
Marshall W.
Mellor J. W.
Mortimer J.
Radley G.
[Ramsden A.]
Ramsden W. H.
Robinson J.
Smith V.
Sutton H.
Swallow H.
Taylor [S.] R. M.M.
Travis E.
Travis F.
Travis G.
Travis L.
Travis W.
Travis Wm.
Wadsworth N.
Wadsworth Nelson
Wadsworth W.
Wood A.
Wood G. E.
Wood R.
Woodland F.


Wadsworth Nurse A.

Died on Active Service

Ashton E.
Calcutt J.
Clarkson J.
Fennell E.
Hawes [or Haw] R.
Hodgkinson A.
Knowles E.
Mitchell G.
Webster A.

More from the newspaper article (Penistone, Stocksbridge and Hoyland Express 27 August 1921, p.8):

"The Rev. R.H. Colwell conducted the service, which was his last prior to leaving the circuit for another sphere of labour.
Colonel C. Hodgkinson, V.D., J.P. of Rose Hill, Penistone, read the roll, the congregation standing meanwhile.
Mr. S. Reginald Taylor, M.M., whose name is on the tablet, unveiled it, and in a few words paid tribute to his comrades who had done their "bit", and also spoke of the strength which they had received whilst serving from the knowledge of the fact that they had the support and prayers, especially of the mothers, at home.
Lieut. Ernest Bradwell, of Hillsboro', gave an address on "The Ministry of the Departed", in which he gave some sound advice to the young men who had been spared to return to their homes and their civil duties, urging upon them to serve their God and their fellow-men as faithfully and well as they had served their country and humanity in the Great War.
At the close of this service Communion service was conducted by the Rev. R.H. Colwell, at which the new memorial set was used for the first time. The set bears on a silver plate the inscription: "To the glory of God and in memory of the men who served in the Great War, 1914-1919. Lest we forget".



Monday 21 April 2014

War Memorial Gravestones in Carlton Cemetery

During both the First and Second World Wars re-repatriation of the bodies of fallen servicemen and women was not usual.  The Unknown Soldier, entombed in Westminster Abbey represents those buried and commemorated overseas who could not come home.  For many families, deprived of a graveside at which to mourn, one solution was to add the name of their lost son (or daughter) to the family gravestone in their local churchyard.  

The Imperial War Museum's War Memorials' Archive defines a War Memorial as "any tangible object which has been erected or dedicated to commemorate those killed as a result of war, conflict or peacekeeping; who served in war or conflict; or who died whilst engaged in military service."  This includes gravestones which commemorate a casualty buried elsewhere.  There must be a clear statement on the memorial (or in a printed document such as a newspaper report from the time) that defines the commemorative purpose of the feature and reports its erection. The full wording of their definition can be found here.

Thus gravestones which include wording such as: died of wounds received in action, killed in action, fell in France, died on active service, reported missing in action, or even killed accidentally while on active service all count as War Memorials.  The wording is a "clear statement" that the purpose of recording that person's name on the gravestone is as a memorial.

Graves which are situated on the site of the burial of a casualty, such as Commonwealth War Graves, are not War Memorials, however the Barnsley War Memorials Project is also collecting their details for inclusion in the Barnsley Roll of Honour.

Carlton Cemetery contains two Commonwealth War Graves. 

In July 2017 an avenue of trees was planted in the Cemetery and a plaque was dedicated to the men from Carlton who lost their lives in the First World War. (Barnsley Chronicle 28 July 2017)

In the list below, where the name is blue click to follow the link to a page with a larger photograph and more information.

 Gravestone Location
Section Row No.
Soldier's Name & Regiment
Date of Death
Kings Own Scottish Borderers

16 May 1917
William Owen

June 1942
Samuel Johnson
HMS Argon

23 October 1918
Herbert Turton

 21 August 1918
Leonard Hall
1/5 York & Lancs

7 July 1916
George Edward Kilner
13th York & Lancs

30 March 1918
Harry Ferris
1/5 York & Lancs

7 July 1916
Wilfred Grove

8 May 1942





Sunday 20 April 2014

War Memorial Gravestones in Darton Churchyard & Cemetery

During both the First and Second World Wars re-repatriation of the bodies of fallen servicemen and women was not usual.  The Unknown Soldier, entombed in Westminster Abbey represents those buried and commemorated overseas who could not come home.  For many families, deprived of a graveside at which to mourn, one solution was to add the name of their lost son (or daughter) to the family gravestone in their local churchyard.  

Darton War Memorial is unusual in that it is inscribed with no names of the fallen men of the area.  We have found a list of men that the church warden thought should have been on the memorial and we have searched the churchyard and cemetery for any more clues.

The Imperial War Museum's War Memorials' Archive defines a War Memorial as "any tangible object which has been erected or dedicated to commemorate those killed as a result of war, conflict or peacekeeping; who served in war or conflict; or who died whilst engaged in military service."  This includes gravestones which commemorate a casualty buried elsewhere.  There must be a clear statement on the memorial (or in a printed document such as a newspaper report from the time) that defines the commemorative purpose of the feature and reports its erection. The full wording of their definition can be found here.

Thus gravestones which include wording such as: died of wounds received in action, killed in action, fell in France, died on active service, reported missing in action, or even killed accidentally while on active service all count as War Memorials.  The wording is a "clear statement" that the purpose of recording that person's name on the gravestone is as a memorial.

Gravestones which are situated on the site of the burial of a casualty, such as Commonwealth War Graves (CWGC), are NOT War Memorials, however the Barnsley War Memorials Project collected their details for inclusion in the Barnsley Roll of Honour. 

Darton Churchyard and Cemetery on the CWGC website

Darton Churchyard and Cemetery contains 24 CWGC burials and a dedicated page is currently under construction.

In the lists below, where the name is blue click to follow the link to a page with a larger photograph and more information. We recently added links to the Find A Grave website (with thanks to Pete Schofield) where more photos of the graves and transcriptions of the inscriptions can be found.

Darton Churchyard and Cemetery contains 24 First World War and 3 Second World War memorial gravestones - the men named below are NOT buried in these plots. Follow the Find A Grave links to discover more information. In some cases there is a link on the man's name (it will be blue) that leads to further information either on a separate page on this site or on an external one.

 Gravestone Location
Section Row No.
Soldier's Name & Regiment
Date of Death
Thumbnail Photograph

Alec R Braithwaite

Royal Garrison Artillery

6 June 1918

Norman Shaw


2 April 1917

George Urquhart MM

York and Lancaster Rgt

11 August 1916

Henry Vivian Braithwaite

Durham Light Infantry

25 June 1942

James General Dyson

York and Lancaster Rgt

25 April 1918

George Ibberson

York and Lancaster

11 October 1917

Ernest Ives

York and Lancaster

1 July 1916

Cyril Maples

Royal Navy

11 August 1942

John Taylor Mellor

Royal Garrison Artillery

15 March 1918

Horace Pickering

Machine Gun Corps

 24 March 1918

Samuel Lake Proctor

York and Lancaster Rgt

11 July 1916

Wilfred Sanderson

10th Hussars

11 April 1917

Royce Thompson

Royal Field Artillery

22 December 1917

Austin Turton

York and Lancaster Rgt

 1 July 1916

Benjamin Gerald Wagstaff

Army Service Corps

 20 December 1916

Charles Milton Ledger

York and Lancaster

9 April 1916

John Arthur Williams

York and Lancaster Rgt

27 Nov 1917

Cyril Burton Dixon

York and Lancaster Regt

14 November 1918

Gordon Gray

York and Lancaster Regt

27 May 1918

Claude Leatham

Royal Army Medical Corps

9 April 1917

Bernard Outram

Royal Armoured Corps

5 November 1944

Herbert Milner

York and Lancaster Regt

24 September 1918

Find A Grave
Joseph Leonard Challenger

West Riding Regt

1 July 1916

William Heeley

Royal Scots Fusiliers

29 September 1915

Richard Allott

Royal Field Artillery

8 October 1918

Find A Grave
Ernest Robert Dore

York and Lancaster Regt

9 August 1917

Find A Grave
Ernest Mark Simpson

West Yorkshire Regt

6 January 1918
Find A Grave
* *



Darton Cemetery, Alec R Braithwaite RGA

Alec Braithwaite's Memorial Cross on his family graveplot

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by ML taken March 2014

Grave Location and Inscription:

In Loving Memory of 
Gnr Alec R Braitwaite RGA
Dearly loved eldest son of George & Annie Braithwaite
Who died from wounds in France 1918, aged 22 years
He gave his bright young life that those he loved might live. (some letters missing)

Alec Roy Braithwaite is buried in St Marie Cemetery, Le Havre, France.  He is also remembered on the list of fallen men in the History of All Saints Church, Darton.

Darton Cemetery, Norman Shaw KOYLI

Shaw Family Gravestone in Darton Cemetery

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by ML taken March 2014

Grave Location and Inscription: 

In Loving Memory of Winifred,
The beloved daughter of Joseph & Rachel Shaw,
Who died Sept 24th 1909, aged 25 years
Also Pte. Norman Shaw, KOYLI
Beloved son of the above who Fell in France
April 2nd 1917, aged 22 years

Norman Shaw is buried in France in the Merville Communal Cemetery.

War Memorial Gravestones in Monk Bretton Cemetery

During both the First and Second World Wars re-repatriation of the bodies of fallen servicemen and women was not usual.  The Unknown Soldier, entombed in Westminster Abbey represents those buried and commemorated overseas who could not come home.  For many families, deprived of a graveside at which to mourn, one solution was to add the name of their lost son (or daughter) to the family gravestone in their local churchyard.  

The Imperial War Museum's War Memorials' Archive defines a War Memorial as "any tangible object which has been erected or dedicated to commemorate those killed as a result of war, conflict or peacekeeping; who served in war or conflict; or who died whilst engaged in military service."  This includes gravestones which commemorate a casualty buried elsewhere.  There must be a clear statement on the memorial (or in a printed document such as a newspaper report from the time) that defines the commemorative purpose of the feature and reports its erection. The full wording of their definition can be found here.

Thus gravestones which include wording such as: died of wounds received in action, killed in action, fell in France, died on active service, reported missing in action, or even killed accidentally while on active service all count as War Memorials.  The wording is a "clear statement" that the purpose of recording that person's name on the gravestone is as a memorial.

Graves which are situated on the site of the burial of a casualty, such as Commonwealth War Graves, are not War Memorials, however the Barnsley War Memorials Project is also collecting their details for inclusion in the Barnsley Roll of Honour.

There are 21 CWGC graves in Monk Bretton Cemetery.  We are currently preparing a page with photos and links for these burials.

Barnsley Family History Society started transcribing the memorial inscriptions in Monk Bretton cemetery a few years ago however they have not published them all yet.  A computer disk of inscriptions and memorials in the churchyard and church is available to buy. They should be able to provide information on the memorials in the cemetery by request to their Searches Officer.  We are grateful to the Barnsley Family History Society for providing a list of the memorial gravestones and their inscriptions for this cemetery.

In the list below, where the name is blue click to follow the link to a page with a larger photograph and more information.

 Gravestone Location
Section Row No.
Soldier's Name & Regiment
Date of Death
H 98
John Thomas Johnson


6 June 1917
A 222
Alice Hilda Lancaster


3 June 1918
John W Heath


8 January 1916
Joseph Carr

King's Own Yorkshire LI

16 September 1916
Bernard White

West Yorkshire Regiment

21 November 1917
Samuel Gammons

8th East Yorkshire Regt

10 December 1916
Charles Pickles

Royal Field Artillery

14 March 1917
Rowland Jones

West Riding Regt

14 October 1918
Thomas William Victory

York & Lancaster Regt

1 July 1916
Herbert Musgreave
Liverpool Regt  
28 October 1916

Thomas Musgreave
Canadian Expeditionary Force
12 April 1917
Robert Craven

Royal Garrison Artillery

22 January 1917
Thomas Hilton Horbury

Royal Garrison Artillery

12 May 1917
Henry Silcox (or Silcock)

Kings Own Yorkshire LI

11 October 1916
Albert McGowan
 Royal Navy H.M.S. Cossack

23 October 1941
Thomas Myers

14 June 1942
Fred Trimby
 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

6/7 September 1943
Alfred Goodman
 Royal Scots Fusiliers

12 September 1944
Amos Howe
  51 Sqdn. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

1 March 1943
Edward Bessant
 West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)
10 June 1942
John Harrison
6th HAA Royal Artillery

11 May 1945
Harry Williamson
1st Irish Guards

30 January 1944