Friday, 25 April 2014

Penistone, St Andrew's Methodist Church, Memorial Tablet

Updated 26 April 2021 after the discovery of a newspaper article thought to report the unveiling of this memorial.

Memorial at St Andrew's Penistone, perspective corrected
(click to enlarge)


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photographed by JD in April 2014, perspective corrected April 2021.

Thanks to the Rev David Hall for permission to photograph this tablet.

Transcribed by BarnsleyHistorian with additions from the newspaper article in the Penistone, Stocksbridge and Hoyland Express, 27 August 1921, p.6, which we assume most probably refers to this memorial. We think this tablet is from the older St Paul's Methodist church which used to be on the site of St Andrew's (see this local Penistone webpage for more information on the various Methodist Churches, but if you have any additional information please contact us, as the wording in the newspaper article is different to the wording on the current memorial. 

One theory suggested is that the original memorial was damaged and that it was re-created for the new church with amended wording and the removal of three names. Or the newspaper report may have just made a mistake??

From the article 27 August 1921,
"There was a large congregation at the Penistone Wesleyan Church on Sunday night [22nd August] on the occasion of the memorial service to the nine old scholars of the Sunday School who had sacrificed their lives in the war, and the unveiling of the tablet in the Church bearing their names and the names of sixty-two men and a nurse, all of whom had passed through the Sunday School or were attached to the Church. The tablet is beautifully designed in oak, and bears the following names in gilt lettering:- ..."

Current Memorial Wording 
Wording in 1921 newspaper article
Pro Patria
To the Glory of God and in Memory of
Those who gave their Services
In the Cause of Humanity
Died on Active Service
[names of 9 dead]
To the glory of God.
In grateful and loving memory of the men of
this Church and Sunday School
who laid down their lives in the Great War,
[names of 9 dead]
And to record the service of:-
Lest we forget.

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.
Names or lettering in [ ] are in newspaper article but NOT on pictured memorial above.

Allen J.
Ashton W. H.
Beever G.
Beever G. H.
Beever L.
Birkenshaw A.
Birkenshaw G. H.
Bishop C.
Bonner A.
Butcher F.
Butcher G. H.
Butcher J. E.
Butcher J. W.
Calcutt W.
Clark A.
Clark E.
Clark W.
Clarkson A.
Clarkson G.
Clarkson W.
Clegg E.
[Clegg T.]
Clough H.
[Creswick G.]
Eddy G.[W.]
Farnsworth J.W.
French W.A.
Gledhill W.
Hawes H.
Hodgkinson W.
Houghton W. M.M.
Hirst F.
Jagger H.
Kilner B.
Knowles H.
Lee T. H.
Makin D.
Marshall J.
Marshall W.
Mellor J. W.
Mortimer J.
Radley G.
[Ramsden A.]
Ramsden W. H.
Robinson J.
Smith V.
Sutton H.
Swallow H.
Taylor [S.] R. M.M.
Travis E.
Travis F.
Travis G.
Travis L.
Travis W.
Travis Wm.
Wadsworth N.
Wadsworth Nelson
Wadsworth W.
Wood A.
Wood G. E.
Wood R.
Woodland F.


Wadsworth Nurse A.

Died on Active Service

Ashton E.
Calcutt J.
Clarkson J.
Fennell E.
Hawes [or Haw] R.
Hodgkinson A.
Knowles E.
Mitchell G.
Webster A.

More from the newspaper article (Penistone, Stocksbridge and Hoyland Express 27 August 1921, p.8):

"The Rev. R.H. Colwell conducted the service, which was his last prior to leaving the circuit for another sphere of labour.
Colonel C. Hodgkinson, V.D., J.P. of Rose Hill, Penistone, read the roll, the congregation standing meanwhile.
Mr. S. Reginald Taylor, M.M., whose name is on the tablet, unveiled it, and in a few words paid tribute to his comrades who had done their "bit", and also spoke of the strength which they had received whilst serving from the knowledge of the fact that they had the support and prayers, especially of the mothers, at home.
Lieut. Ernest Bradwell, of Hillsboro', gave an address on "The Ministry of the Departed", in which he gave some sound advice to the young men who had been spared to return to their homes and their civil duties, urging upon them to serve their God and their fellow-men as faithfully and well as they had served their country and humanity in the Great War.
At the close of this service Communion service was conducted by the Rev. R.H. Colwell, at which the new memorial set was used for the first time. The set bears on a silver plate the inscription: "To the glory of God and in memory of the men who served in the Great War, 1914-1919. Lest we forget".



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