Saturday, 5 April 2014

Cudworth Wesleyan Methodist Church, Harold Porter - plaque

Harold Porter's Memorial Tablet in Wesleyan Methodist Church
(thanks to Barnsley Archives)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

This image appears on the programme dated 31 July 1919 for the Memorial Service for the Scholars of the Church which is in Barnsley Archives (A/2/32/N/6/1).
In Loving Memory of
Harold Porter RAMC
108th Field Ambulance
Killed in Action near Havrincourt
October 10th 1917
Erected by his Comrades
"Greater love hath no man than this, that
a man lay down his life for his friends" 

Read more about Harold on Barnsley Soldiers Remembered

Harold is also remembered on the Cudworth War Memorial, the Fallen Scholars Memorial Tablet in Cudworth Wesleyan Methodist Church and on the family gravestone in Cudworth Cemetery.

The Cudworth Local History and Heritage Group's book, Lest Cudworth Forgets, includes more information on him.

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