Sunday, 29 June 2014

Penistone Royal British Legion WW1 Memorial Plaque

WW1 List of the Fallen for Penistone Township (photograph taken 28 June 2014)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photographed by Phil Gregg (Barnsley CAMRA)

Transcribed by Pete Schofield

Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here  (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Ernest Ashton
Albert Baker
Wilfred Barlow
Joseph Bower
Thomas Brewer
Joe Hague Brownhill
Joseph A Buckley
Charles Burman
Charles Richard Calcutt
Harry Champion
Colin Clarke
John Clarkson
Fred Cox
Arthur Crossley
John Day
Albert Dunn
Edrick Earnshaw
Frank Fearnley
Ernest Fennell
Ben Fieldsend
Radford Hames
Charles Hill
John Hill
Arnold Hodgkinson
Bert Hoyland
George Henry Jones
William Henry Jones
Harry Kershaw

Ernest Knowles
George Lee
Walter Lee
Ernest Lockwood
Ernest Marsh
Horace Micklethwaite
George Mitchell
Walter D Nall
Joseph Naylor
William Parker
Frank Peace
James Peaker
Walter Peaker
John Mason Pickering
Fred Platt
Edward Price
William Reed
Albert Edward Rose
Charles Edward Swift
Ernest Tatchell
Charles T Townend
Harry Hubert Taylor
Albert Vaughton
Ernest Clifford Vaughton
Albert Webster
Henry Wood
Oliver Wood
Tom Wright


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