Saturday, 16 August 2014

Green Moor, Frank Bramall Plaque, Millennium Green

Memorial Plaque to Frank Bramall in the Millennium Green at Green Moor
(photo taken 3 August 2014)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing 

Photographed by Nigel Croft

There are some photos of the Millennium Green on Geograph

It is a small enclosed space on edge of the village with lovely views over the valley below, nearby is a set of village stocks and the village pumphouse which has been restored.

In Memory of / Cpl Frank Bramall / 2nd/4th Yorks & Lancs / born 9th March 1894 / Killed in Action at / the Battle of the Marne / 20th July 1918

Hunshelf Parish 2002

There is an F Bramall remembered on the Penistone Grammar School, Old Boys Memorial
Frank is buried in the Bouilly Cross Roads Military Cemetery in France and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.


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