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Completed memorial in Bolton upon Dearne Cememtery (photo from PD) |
War Memorials Archive listing
War Memorials Online listing
This page includes photos of the construction of the memorial and close ups of each of the panels.
Second World War - Barnsley War Memorials
Researched by MAC - includes biographical detail of some men
Photographed by Peter Davies
This memorial was dedicated on 3rd August 2014 / to Commemorate the Centenary / of the Outbreak of the 1st World War 1914-1918 / It carries the names of people / of Bolton-upon-Dearne, Goldthorpe and Highgate / who lost their Lives in the 1st World War / and the 2nd World War 1939 - 1945 / It was provided by the efforts and subscriptions of / individual members of the local community, / groups, schools and organisations. / It was designed by Brian Butterfield / and supplied and erected at cost by / C.T. Butterfield & Sons Memorial Masons.
If the name below is coloured blue click to follow the link to further information on this or an external site.
Where further information has been discovered for any of these men it will be linked (look for names underlined and in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site. In this way we try to avoid duplication and encroaching on the research of other groups and individuals.
1914 - 1918
Addy A
Allen W Andrews J S Appleyard A Ashwood J Askew A Atkinson E Bailey F Bailey J W Banks C R Barber J Beardsley J Beaumont F R Bell J Blackburn H G Blanchard H Blenkinsop E J Blenkinsop G L Blenkinsop J D Blunt L Bower E Braddock J W Brammer J E Briggs J W Brooke T R Bullock R Bunnis J Burland E Cartwright G Cave F H Cave H Chapman A Chapman G Chiles R Chippendale G Clark F Clarke H Clearey J Collier C Collier C W Collier J T Conville T Cooke C Cooke G Cooper F Cooper W R Corbett J Cottrell J H Coulson J T Crawshaw L Criddle A Cutts J Davis J |
Dawson F
Day W Dennis J E Denton T W Dickinson N W Dickinson S E Dickinson S V Dodd G Dorran W Duffield A Dyson P Eaglen G Earnshaw J W Eaton J A Elliott J Ellis R Else S Epton F Evans R Farrar R Feast P F Finney F Foley J Foster L Fox J W Froggatt G H Fudge J Garbutt V Glasswell C H Glover J Gower T Grainger J Grey F Groves H Guest G H Hadfield H Haines C Hall J Harding J Harding W Harris H Harris S Harris T Harrison E F Haston H Haksworth H C (M.M.) Haynes J T Heavey J W Hodgeson H Holland H Holliday F Horsfield T |
Hurrell P
Hutchinson A Ince F Ingham E Jacklin W E Jackson F Jackson W Jeffrey W T Jeffries A Jenkinson G Kay T Keeton J Kilner T Kyte J Law M A Law W Leverton W Lewis C I Lidster E Lloyd T Ludlam G Lumley E Lunness G Lyon R Markham H Marshall C (M.M.) Marshall C W Marshall T H May T McLoughlin M Mitchell W E Monaghan J H Monaghan P Morris S Mountford G Naylor G Nunn G W Oliver H Owen F Parker T W Parkes F Parkes G Parkin J H Parkin J W Patrick J Perry J Petch W Platts T Pocklington W Pounder J Probert A Probert W Quigley J W |
Ramsden H Reville W Reynolds E Riley O Robinson H Scholey A E (Miss) Senior G E Shallcross W H Sharpe F Shaw G A Simpson G Smith A H Smith A V Smith F Smith H Stamper E Stewart J W Stonehouse T Stones G H Stott L Sugden W H Swallow A C Swallow J T Swallow R Swift J Taylor J Trickett H Trickett W Tripp E Turner H Unthank W Unwin A C Unwin C W Unwin H Waldron E Walton C B Wassell E A Watson A Watson C Watts A H S Westerman W T Whipple A H White E Whitfield J Whitney G W Wilde T H Wilkinson P Willetts T Williams T Wilson A J Wright E Yates J |
1939 - 1945
Appleton G R
Armitage J E Bailey A Bailey W H Bean G Bellamy C H Bills C L Bowater J Bunting J Butler S Chapman T Cheesmond N Chivers F Clarke D Clarkson F H Clatworthy J Cooper W Crossland E Cruise T F Cullinworth S Day J G Dennis A Ellis G H Fisher J Fitzpatrick J Foster G Galloway J Glasswell F W Gratton J G Griffiths D Gundry S Halloes G Hamilton D V Handley A (M.M.) Harber S Hart J T Hateley T Hayes F Hayes J Hollingworth J Hollis T Howard T J Hunter G Hyde W Jackson L Jones A Kean E Kerry A Lavrack W H Law E Leeming R Lenton G Longden G |
Margison G
Marwood G Murcott H Newsome J Osgudthorpe A E Outram E Patrick W Pendlebury E Phillips J Pocklington S Rock G A Rodgers E Sales L Sharman J Shaw B Smith F Stamper P Swindells L W Walker J A Wall G E Warner H Wathey C Wathey H Webster K Westwood B Whitfield J J Wilkinson J |
1 comment:
Please could you consider Second LieutenantJohn Dickinson adopted son of George Dickinson of Westholme Bolton on Dearne for inclusion on the memorial?
He died on 28 August 1917 and is buried in the Aeroplane Cemetery he was in the 3rd Battalion of the Royal Scots. He was my granfather's brother but was adopted by his uncle as the family had more children than they were able to feed and clothe and so my great grandmother had to give him to her brother to bring up.
There is a picture of him on the IWM website.
I would be happy to pay for his name to be included on the memorial
Judy Gillies
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