Sunday, 13 July 2014

Ardsley Cemetery, Adam Blades

Adam Blades is remembered on his friend Arthur Sheriff's gravestone

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by BarnsleyHistorian

Grave Location and Inscription:

U 815 
In True and loving memory / of my dear husband / Arthur Sheriff / of Lingard Street, Barnsley / who passed away Novr 20th 1918 / in his 27th year / around his grave are ? / and beauty / and the sweet heaven around / the fitting symbols of ? / of duty / transfigured into love / 

Also of Adam Blades / the dearly loved friend of the above / and husband of Annie Blades / Killed in Action in France August 27th 1918 / in his 29th year / "His death a noble one."

Adam is also remembered on the

Ardsley, Christ Church, Christ Church Parishioners - WW1 Plaque 

Adam is remembered on the Loos Memorial and on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.


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