Sunday, 15 March 2015

Worsbrough St Thomas Churchyard WHG & WH Raley

Raley brothers remembered on their parents' tombstone

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Lives of the First World War - William Henry George Raley

                                               Walter Hugh Raley

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Grave Location and Inscription: 

Sacred to the Memory of / Elizabeth Emsley Raley / Beloved wife of William Emsley Raley / Born 19th January 1861, died 6th March 1908 / Ald. Lieut. Col. William Emsley Raley O.B.E. M.A. J.P. / Born 4th May 1859, died 5th May 1938 / Also sacred to the memory of Walter Hugh Raley 2nd Lieut. 5th York and Lancaster Regiment / Youngest son of the above / Born 18th November 1893  Killed in Action at Fleureaix 14th May 1915 / Also of William Henry George Raley Captain 3rd Alexandra Princess of Wales Own (Yorkshire Regiment) / Eldest son of the above / Born 3rd May 1885, Killed in Action at Givenchy 15th June 1915.

W H G Raley and W H Raley are also remembered on the
Barnsley, Pitt Street Wesleyan, Roll of Honour  and on the Worsborough Combined Memorial, St Thomas And St James Church and on the  Barnsley, St Peter's Church, Doncaster Road  and on the St John's Church, Barnsley - Oak Memorial Tablet

William H G Raley is remembered on the Le Touret Memorial in France and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. 

Walter H Raley is buried in Y Farm Military Cemetery in France and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.  


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