Thursday, 21 November 2013

Launching the Barnsley War Memorials Project

The first meeting of the Barnsley War Memorials Project was held today, 21st November 2013.  Called in response to the realisation that Barnsley, unlike many other towns and cities around the country, has no central Roll of Honour to remember the Fallen of World War One, this first meeting sought to establish the aims of the Project and its scope.

It was agreed that, in recognition of the forthcoming Centenary of the First World War, the first part of the Project would concentrate on gathering information on the casualties of that war although information collected in the process concerning the Second World War and subsequent conflicts would be safely collated for the later stages of the Project. 

We would love to collect the name of every man and woman from or connected to Barnsley who has ever served this country whether they survived the conflict in which they were engaged or whether they became a casualty, however it was decided to start with a narrower scope allowing us to complete our first assigned task within the Centenary years. 

It was also agreed that the Project should include the names of the Fallen of Barnsley who did not serve in the armed forces, for example Merchant Seamen and civilians lost in military action wherever it is possible to obtain this information.

A small group of interested people met today to discuss this project, but more enthusiastic volunteers are needed.  We are especially keen to recruit people who already have an interest in war memorials, or the history of the armed forces who can share their expertise with the group. 

Another meeting will be arranged in the New Year, to be held in Barnsley Town Hall, and will be widely publicised to attract as many interested parties as possible. Many hands make light work!
A British Legion Poppy
Lest We Forget

For more information please contact us.

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