Monday, 16 February 2015

Barnsley, NP&UBE plaque, Nat West Bank, Market Hill

A simple bronze plaque (photographed February 2015)

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photographed by Hann Bunn and sent to us by Chris Reynolds

Some information on this type of memorial can be found in this blog post

NP&UBE stands for National Provincial and Union Bank of England.

Information received from Archivist Lyn Crawford at the RBS Archives:
The National Provincial & Union Bank of England plaque was placed in NatWest Barnsley branch as part of the bank's wider memorial repatriation project in 2013.

There are four results in a search of their Archives for Barnsley - Thomas Westby, Frank Bakel, Harry Bambridge and Ronald Saville all worked for Union of London & Smiths Bank, and are all remembered on the Holgate Grammar School Old Boys memorial in Barnsley.

In 1918, this bank amalgamated with National Provincial Bank of England to form National Provincial & Union Bank of England.


A tribute / to the 2681 members / of the staff of this Bank / who served in / The Great War / 1914 - 1918 / and in honoured memory of / the 415 who gave their / lives for their country.


1 comment:

Wayne Ogden said...

There is an identical memorial in the Halifax branch of Nat West. Only spotted it today (27th Feb 2024). One of many I guess.