Thursday, 3 December 2015

Barnsley, Dennis Bayley Fund, St John's & Red Cross Workers, Beckett Hospital

Plaque from Beckett Hospital, now displayed at Barnsley Hospital


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photographed by KingstoneHistory

Dennis Bayley Fund / A bed was endowed by the above Fund in this hospital / primarily for the use of Ex-Service Men as a Memorial / of the sacrifices made by workers of the Order of / St John and the British Red Cross Society during the War and in commemoration of the work of the Fund / for the Transport of Sick and Wounded 1915 - 1918.

There is a little more about this plaque and other endowed beds at Beckett Hospital on a post here.

Dennis Bayley  (Sir Henry Dennis Readett-Bayley, founder of the Dennis Bayley Fund for the Transportation of Wounded Soldiers)


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