Monday, 20 July 2015

Barnsley, Afghanistan Memorial, Cooper Memorial Gardens

Afghanistan Memorial plaque photographed 17 July 2015

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Transcribed and photographed by BarnsleyHistorian

Note: The gardens at the side of St Mary's Church, opposite the Barnsley Chronicle office are variously known as the Cooper Memorial Gardens and St Mary's Gardens.

In Memory of / Marine David Marsh / Charlie Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines / Killed in Action at Kajaki, Helmand Province / 30th March 2008 / Captain Martin Driver / 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment / Wounded at Musa Qaliah, Helmand Province - Died Selly Oak Hospital / 18th March 2010 / Pte Matthew Thornton / 4th Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment / Killed in Action at Babiji, Helmand Province / 9th November 2011 / Three Brave Young Men From the Borough of Barnsley / Who Gave Their Lives In The Defence of Freedom / "We Will Remember Them" /

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David Marsh
Martin Driver
Matthew Thornton


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