Thursday, 9 October 2014

Barnsley Farrar Street United Reformed Church Memorial Plaque

WW1 memorial in Farrar Street Church, Barnsley (photo taken 8 October 2014)

War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing

Lives of the First World War Community

Transcribed and photographed by Pete Schofield

Trinity United Reformed Church was formed in 1972 when the Regent Street Congregational Church joined with Farrar Street Congregational Church and the former Sheffield Road congregation. The building was opened in 1898.


 They Stood between us and despair
They bore, and gave us strength to bear.

To the Glory of God
and the
Sacred Memory
of the members of this
Church and Sunday School
who gave their lives in the
Great War 1914 - 1918
to maintain
the Sacred Ideals of
Christian Civilisation.

There are no individual names on this memorial however on the outside of the building there are a series of inscribed stones, at least two of which are to men who fell in the war. Click on the names below to see photos of the inscribed stones and find more information about these men.

Harold Wright
Harry Tock

Evidence has been found in Church Minutes kept in Barnsley Archives of at least nine men belonging to the church who lost their lives. 


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