Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Felkirk St Peter's Ernest Litherland Memorial Plaque


Photo taken by WB in January 2020


War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing

Roll of Honour listing

Lives of the First World War

Photographed by Wayne Bywater

To the Glory of God and in Loving / Memory of Ernest Wm Litherland / Who died February 21st 1919 upon his return / Home after service with the Royal Flying Corps

Ernest Wm Litherland is also remembered on:
Felkirk St Peter's Lychgate
Barnsley Holgate Grammar School - Old Boys WW1
Royston, St John the Baptist, Church Street, War Memorial
and by a stained glass window in Felkirk St Peter's Church

He is buried in the churchyard at St Peter's, Felkirk and is commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.


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