Friday, 1 April 2016

Barnsley, Newman and Bond Solicitors war memorial plaque, Church Street, Barnsley


War Memorials Register listing

War Memorials Online listing

Lives of the First World War Community

Photograph by KingstoneHistory

The brass plaque with a wooden frame is displayed in the premises of Newman and Bond Solicitors, 35 Church Street, Barnsley half way up the stairs overlooking the reception area. 

"Lest We Forget"
The Gallant men who in 1914 were assisting in these offices

Name           / Entered Office / Position  / Joined HM Forces / Rank  / Regiment
1. Bond, Alfred Dalton /Aug 1901 / Solicitor & Partner /1914 / 2nd Lieut / 5th Y&L (TF) / Died Serving 22nd May 1916,age 32
2. Simpson, Robt. Arthur Abbs  / Jan 1914 / Solicitor  / 1915 / Lieut  / Northumberland Fusrs / Died of Wounds Nov 1917
3. Barraclough, William / Oct 1912 / Surveyor / 1914 / 2nd Lieut / 5th W. Yorks / Killed in Action 28th Sep 1916
4. Burt, Walter George  / Sep 1911 / Solicitor  / 1914 / 2nd Lieut / 14th Y&L  / Wounded 
5. Lyons, Francis John William / Aug 1909 / Clerk  / 1914 / 2nd Lieut / 13th Y&L / Prisoner
6. Bradley, Wilfrid Gray / Jan 1914 / Asst. Cashier /1914 / 2nd Lieut / Duke of Wellington's West Riding / Wounded

Names: Where further information on a name has been researched by our volunteers it will be linked here (look for the names in blue) to a page on this site or to an external site.

Alfred Dalton Bond
Robt Arthur Abbs Simpson
William Barraclough
Walter George Burt
Francis John William Lyons
Wilfred Gray Bradley


B&DWM  #BAR69 

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