Monday, 17 November 2014

Worsbrough St Thomas Churchyard Maurice P Ellis

Maurice Paul Ellis is remembered on his mother's gravestone


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Grave Location and Inscription:
In Loving Memory of Alice The Beloved Wife of John Ellis Who Fell Asleep Feby 19th 1912 Aged 44 years "Thy will , O Lord, be done" Also Pte M.P. Ellis 2/5 Y & L Regt The Beloved Son of the Above Who died from Wound Received in France may 4th 1917, Aged 19 Years.

Maurice is also remembered on the
Worsborough Combined Memorial, St Thomas And St James Church, Worsborough Dale 

He is buriedAchiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery, France and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. 

BWMP #WSB07/2   

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